Passport of First-Time Immigrant


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When a new immigrant enters the United States for the first time, is there a minimum period of time his/her passport is required to remain valid?
Usually you need at least 6 months validity before a consulate will even issue a visa. Once you've got it however, I suspect you can use it for entry since in-effect it becomes a temporary I-551 when endorsed with the first entry stamp.
If you can, get yourself a new passport. The only reason I am advising this is because of the few horror stories I have heard about consulates from certain countries giving their citizens a hard time in the US. I do not know your country of citizenship, so please don't take offense if the above blanket statement does not apply to your country of citizenship.

When a new immigrant enters the United States for the first time, is there a minimum period of time his/her passport is required to remain valid?