Passport got Damaged


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Hi Everybody,

Unfortunately my passport got damaged accidentally. I was checking on the Indian Consulate (NY) website. They say, it takes 3-6 months for a Duplicate passport. Will it take so long??? Is it possible to get it sooner.

Could anybody share any experience please.
If the damage is not severe, then you may get it faster ..........

why don\'t you call up the consulate to find out?
I don\'t think it takes that long

I had been to the Indian Embassy at Washington DC last week ,they issued a renewal passport(10 yr expiry) within a day,i think the same applies for the damaged pp also you need to take acopy of the passport before you submit..just see if you can get this done in DC instead and it might be quicker..
They need to verify !

If your passport is badly damaged i.e they cannot see your photo at all , then they will have to send a request to the issuing office in india to send details. That takes a month or more.
But if the damage is not that bad, they can issue u a passport the same day too.
Best of Luck !
It takes nearly 3 months

My passport was also damaged and It took nearly 3 months for the new york consulate to replace it.It is almost like applying for a new passport
Hi partha2001

consulate will ask how did your PP got damaged?? which portion of it got damaged?? why(under what cercumstances) it got damaged?? and also they see how bad it got damaged.

you have to file affidavitt in which you have to mention all the above things in detail.

you post which portion of your PP is damaged.

good luck.
No Title

Hi raog,

There are two problems.

1. Lamination on the front page has got deteriorated.
2. The front page got folded along the edge accidentally. There is a creack developing along the fold due to brittleness.

But all the details are intact and proper including photo, signature etc.

Any advise??
can get a duplicate passport in a day or tow from the NYC indian consulate

Can get a duplicate passport in a day or two from the NYC indian consulate,If you tell the consul(officer) in indian Embassy that you have an emergency, Consul will give you a duplicate passport in a day or two. What is an emergency? Need to travel \'cos of death, marriage etc. OR IF YOU HAVE A GREEN CARD STAMPING DATE/INTERVIEW. In case of GC stamping, you have to show the Consul your approved I485 and the letter INS has called you for stamping. The consulate will give you a duplicate passport valid for six months, that can be renewd until you get an American passport(sorry going too far)
hope this helps. this is from exp.

hi partha,
   The lamination on the photograph had lifted off slighly,and one of the pages was slightly torn.The indian authorities had made a big fuss about it and had us offloaded from the plane saying that it might cause a probelem later.After assuring them that we would get a new one in the US the let us board.So we applied for a duplicate passport at the us consulate in NY.It took them nearly 3 months to issue us a duplicate one.The old passport was retained by them and an entry was made in the last page that the visas were valid at the time.I hope the info helps.Let me know if u need more info.
No Title

Hi rush77,

They told me exactly same thing in NYC

I have got few questions.

1. Were you on H1 at that time? If so how did you get your H1 restamped?

2. If you got your GC stamped, did you have any problem?

3. If you travelled to India, didn\'t the Indian immigration guys create any problem since you do not have any exit stamp?

Please Help...
was on h1

Hi partha2001,
  Yeah, I was on h1 at that time.The NYC gave me a certified copy of the previous passport.Also it is better to keep the I94 while submitting the passport.Since there was no stamp in the duplicate passport I couldnt apply to the St louis center.So I had to travel to Canada for restamping.My earlier visa had expired and I had just got an extention on the h1, and i was still with the same employer.So i did not have any probelems while restamping the passport.
2.No I have still not applied for GC.
3.Since this happened just last year i havent travelled to India still.
let me know if you need more info and all the best
one more thing

hi partha2001,
I just read ur other post and in that u mentioned that u have applied for 485.I just wanted to warn you that the duplicate passport will have a new number.So please check if that is going to affect you. You can talk to the consular general.He is very helpful in these matters.You may not get him on the phone though.
No Title

Hi rush77,

Thanks for yr help. Will they give the certified copy of PP at the time of applying or do we need to ask specifically??
I have two stitches loose in the middle of the passport, nothing else is damaged and is valid until 2005. I was adviced both in India and U.S to take care of this ASAP. I am very near to GC approval. Is it a good idea to send PP to Indian consulate now?. I fall under Houston jurisdiction.

Please advice.........