Passed Interview...waiting for Oath while traveling


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There are numerous threads on this topic but none of the OP's seem to have actually gone through the interiew and passed.

My interview was scheduled and completed on August 27, 2007. I passed and received the N-652 with the "Congratulations! Your application has been recommended for approval..." checked off. At the time of my interview, I had a total of 16 trips since I acquired my GC but none exceeded 6 months.

I am a little concerned that some of my traveling might signal a red flag even though I've already passed the interview. Basically, since April, I've been doing a lot of traveling (just for personal an extended vacation). However, I've making frequent return trips to the US for a week or so before leaving again for another trip. My longest trip has been 58 days so far. I am now actually in Europe waiting for my oath letter. My mother checks my mail regularly and will contact me as soon as it arrives. In addition, I am able to come back to the US on short notice to fulfill my oath appointment.

As of today, the total days I've been out of the US all together is 321. Of course, I understand that everyday that goes by while I'm waiting for my oath letter increases that. I guess what I want to know is should I be concerned since I've already passed the interview? I won't be returning to the US until December 1st unless of course I receive my oath letter before that.

You will have to show all proof of all trips between the interview and the oath at the oath ceremony. So it will be up to them to see at that point if there is an issue or not. There is a question asking if you have taken any trips between that period so you will have to document them...
Your total days outside of the U.S should not exceed 913 days and no trip should exceed 6 months period but i dont know if they would require any supporting documents for your stays to confirm your ties to the U.S.
So long as your recent trips have been to different places, I don't see much of a problem. Red flags only tend to go up when you repetitively travel to the same place, and therefore give the impression that you are residing there.
So long as your recent trips have been to different places, I don't see much of a problem. Red flags only tend to go up when you repetitively travel to the same place, and therefore give the impression that you are residing there.

That's the problem...a majority of my more recent trips have been to the same destination with the exception of two trips which were different destinations. I have American friends who are currently living in Europe who I've been staying with while I am visiting Europe. I have strong ties to the US (my immediate family lives in California, car, furniture, bills, all tax returns filed and current, bank accounts, etc) and these trips, although they are long, are temporary in nature.

My concern is that I've been mostly out of the US since April. However, I've been making quick return trips of at least 5-10 days back to the US almost once a month. As a matter of fact, I was in California Aug. 22-28 and again Sept. 5-11.

I realize that this could possibly be an issue when it comes time for my oath. Any advice on what I should bring as evidence that these long trips are just extended vacations?
The USCIS officers running the oath ceremony will basically just ask you for your recent (post-interview) travel history and base their questioning on your answers. Be truthful and convincing and everything should be ok. As far as docs go, probably just your passport and GC.
No I dont think it is a problem because I just had my oath and I saw the person infront of me travelled outside the country and he was fine the officer asked him the days and the reason. But these days you dont have any gap between your Interview and oath. Most important is you passed the interview. relax and have fun