Party like itz halloween until eternity :(


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Post from

10/18/2005: November 2005 Visa Bulletin Due to be Released 10/20/2005

* Reliable sources indicate that the November Visa Bulletin will be released on Thursday, October 20, 2005.
* Prediction of the visa movements:
o November 2005: There will be practically no changes, especially for India and China.
o December 2005: Just a smallo progress anticipated.
o January-September 2006: Start moving but very slow
o World-wide prediction next year: EB-1= C, EB-2=Cut-Off Date, EB-3=Slow movement
o Schedule A: 38,000 recapture numbers are available and visa number for EX is expective to be "C" for the rest of the year.
* Labor backlog cases of over 300,000 may affect further negatively.
* November visa number for World-wide is confirmed by the priority date released by the American Consultate in Poland. :mad: :mad:
elusive_gc said:
* Prediction of the visa movements:

  • November 2005: There will be practically no changes, especially for India and China.

  • December 2005: Just a smallo progress anticipated.

True man ..

Wish the new Quater of Jan-Mar will bring in some movement.

Wait are there so many EB3 from post 98 era?
[World-wide prediction next year: EB-1= C, EB-2=Cut-Off Date, EB-3=Slow movement

Does this one include China & india!!??/ or world wide means without these countries!!!