Parking info at Newark FP center on Weekdays.


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Anyone knows if there is parking available on Weekdays at Newark ASC for FP?
Is it better to take car or go by Train? How far from NJ Transit Train station?
All the friends that I know did FP on Saturday where parking was available.
Please advise.
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Do you also need the list of all the restaurants around that center?

Incase you feel hungry!
Just my 2 cents.
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are u out of your mind!!!!!
If you have the will you can park it right in the middle of the road,
someone will surely take care of it!!!!!!.
Definately I don\'t know which world u ar from
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I went at 7:00 AM and there was metered parking available on the street. It gets filled up very fast so go early. Else there are
parking lots nearby which charge $5 or so.
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There is parking available there. Right opposit to the intersection of the INS office there is a park and next to that parking is avaible for $8.00. There is a dunkin donuts also available opposit to that for the hungry mouths.
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Thanks Q123 and DDD1212.
You reply is much appreciated as many of my friends who have week day FP apointment were concerned if there will be
parking available on the weekday. We know for sure there is no parking problem on Saturdays.

Bondedslave-- Yes. If you wish, please post the list of restaurants that you know!!
ddd1212 -- I am in the same world that you are!!

This is a discussion board in which people can post questions related to Immigration
expecting answers/advice from experienced people. Parking availability is a genuine
concern, because if you do not get parking, you may end up missing the appointment. I have an
appoinmtnet at 9:AM sharp on a particular date. I can not go to any other date/time as I
have inform INS to reschedule the same sending the FP notice back which may cause
substantial delays. Hope you get the point here.
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shap, i agree with you. It is not worth taking chances with INS. Also, don\'t worry there are lot of people given that 9.00 appointment. After you get there, they will check your papers and give you a token and then you will be called according to the token number. But, try to get there early because of the traffic congestions on route 22/78. Good luck