Parents visa for GC holder


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Hi All, I know this is 485 issues forum and this post is does not exactly belong here. But I am a silent visitor of this forum and have more confidance about the views/ inputs / knowledge this forum can put forth , than any other forums on this board and hence wanted to know what u guys think abt it. Pardon me if I overstpeed some thing by posting this here.

I am a GC holder and wanted to call my parents for a visit. But surprisingly US consulate in Mumbai denied it on 214-b basis. My parents had carried all property documents , bank stattements and everything but none were asked for . US consulate did not even looked at them.

Apparantly US consulate in Mumbai India has recently developed sort of a " negation mood " and are denying visitor visa if sponserer has / or has applied for GC. I have heard atleast 4 other cases from Mumbai consulate recently whose visitor visa was denied , all of there sponserers (son/ dau) had GC or applied for gc. In one case I know that the person requesitng visitor visa (parents) we specifically asked if u r son / dau has applied for GC - when sons H1 was shown.

Has anyone else has similar experience ? please contribute u r experiences if any. Thanx in advance.
Not sure abt Mumbai

Our friend is a GC holder and her mother arrived in March. Her mother was denied 10-year visitor visa but got one-year visa with 6-month's I-94 stamping. This is her 3rd visit and the stamping was done at Chennai consulate.

You may have already seen literature on 214-b denials, but just the same here it is You could always ask for an interview and meet the Consular.
Anyone else in Same Boat??


Do we have some fair statistics to suggest that there is a greater chance of visitor visa denial if the sponsor is GC holder or has applied for GC than being an H1.

I recently have come across a few instances where visitor visas are being denied when the sponsor was a GC, but do not have any concrete data to suggest so.

GC Holders out here, what are ur experiences in this regard??
my freind is GC holder. His monther applied for visitor visa in every half year in pass three years, and got deny each time all for 214(b) reason.
How come ??


as far as Mumbai consulate ( and I am sure same is true for all consulates in india), if u r denied visa 2 times in succession you can not apply for next 2 years . So just wondering how come
your frineds mom could apply for visa in every half year in pass three years.

Ofcourse you can apply thru Mail requesting to reconsider your case, is this how she applied for so many times in past 3 years ? just wondering.

Also, Thanks all for your views/ inputs. My parents have not visited US (or left India to any other country) before, so do we have similar experiences for parents who have never been out of India (or any country other than their homeland) , and have sponserer as GC holder ?
Other Factors

Holding GC may not be the only factor against visa. It may depend on age of the parents too. If they are below 50 yrs (may be below 55 yrs, I am not sure), the consulate recently have started denying visa.

Another of our friend's mom could not get a visa because she was only 45 yrs while his dad got his visa. This friend also holds GC.
Hi GodHelpUsGC

Thanks for u r reponce, at least in my case, my father is above 60 and mom about 60 . I wonder if only 1 person applies say mother alone . will she has better chance ? and in that case when should father apply ?

My parents were called for interview and never given a chance to provide any evidance of strong ties. My parents were carrying all papers.but interviewer did not ask for any papers . All he took was copy of my pasport page with my picture (first page) and one page which has I - 551 stamped on it.

All they asked during interview to my father was if he has any income - which he does not have as a retiree. , and if he had been abroad before - which is NO . Thats all. How can u say based on only these 2 questions that this person does not have string ties ?

Really speaking there are no rules we can draw here as to when they deny and when they don't .

Therefore I am trying to corealte the fact that they took I-551 page copy and denied my parents visa and in other cases asked a direct question about GC, could mean anything.
My parents have applied for visitor visa (Chennai) last week using drop box facility and am a GC holder. Here is the backgorund. They are above 60, working and this will be their first trip if they get their Visa ??.

I'll keep you posted

The way my friend's monther could apply so many times is that she always had new materials to present in the next application. but it seems visa officer doesn't believe every thing you present.
My parents' visa was denied a couple of years back for similar reasons, I was then on H1-B.
We then went on a vacation to far east to get a few stamps on their passports(my mother had never left the country)

Later they applied for US VISA(tourist) after reserving a tour vacation in US. the tour company gave them a letter wih detailed itenary and confirmation details.
They got a 10 year multiple entry.

Maybe you may want to try this route.
Hi Dear_Frank Thans for u r reply. Visa officers Indeed don't always believe you , and not always give you enough chance to prove your grounds. Its more of luck than anything else.

oct_rd , thanks for your reply. It is a Great idea. I will certanily think about it.
One question for you is , when she applied for the second time, did she showed that she is going to pay for the trip (with proof of enough bank balance and all) or you still were the sponserer ? Thanks in advance for u r time.
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Congratulations 4AOS!

Hey, oct_rd , One question for you is , when u r parents applied for the second time, did they show that they are going to pay for the trip (with proof of enough bank balance and all) or you still were the sponserer ?
Also, did they answer YES to the question on visa application form, about "is your son / daughter" is currently in USA ?

Thanks in advance for u r time.
As their's was a tourist VISA they did not have to answer that question. But they gave my address as their address in US.
Also they showed their own funds. I hope this helps.