Parents Coming on Visitor and petition pending


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Hi Guys:

My parents are coming here on visitor visa. They have 10 yrs multiple visa. Last time a year half ago when they came here we applied for their GC. The petition I-130 is still pending, they went back to India when their visitor visa was expiring.

Now the question is, they are coming back on visitor visa and I am wondering if they will be caused any problem or will be asked questions at Port of Entry here since their GC petition in pending ?

I have heard that they don't give visitor visa if you have GC petition pending. In their case they already have 10 yrs multiple so they don't have to go get the visa but is it possible that they will be questioned at POE regarding the pending petition ?

Answers will be greatly appreciated ..

You will be fine !!

I had the same issue, my mom and dad visited during a pending 130
since they were here before, never overstayed, and did not plan to AOS
they were fine. Both entered different times and left together no questions

hope this helps


Thanks for your reply. Were your parents asked any questions regarding their petition ?

another confusion that I have is when you prepare the Affidavit of Support (Sponsor Letter), it asks that if you have filed a petition for any person ? My brother had filed for them because he is citizen and I'm GC holder. But if my brother provide them sponsor letter then he does have to mention in the question that he had also filed petition for same people for whom this sponsor letter is prepared for. Is that right ? Does this create in conflict if officer at POE asks to see sponsor letter and see that detail ?

I would appreciate your reply.
