Papers lost after stamping.


Registered Users (C)
Sorry for posting Non-GC questions, but I know experienced gurus see these threads.

My mother after getting visit stamping lost her all the documents that I had sent to her outside the consulate office. my tax return papers, social security copy, bank statements, original I-134 form etc.. ie. all the papers required for getting visit visa stamping.

My mother is already with me. I am not worried about papers since all them were xerox copies, what I am worried is , if these papers fall into the wrong hands then they may try to use them in a wrong way, like, try to get visa on my name etc.... what should be my best action for such a case. I afraid if I try to contact consulate and write the samething it should not create unncessary confusion to them and they get all types of unncessary doubts and all.

Gurus, Please advice on this one.

RD : Jul 2002.
ND : Jul 2002.
FP : Sep 2002.
I think there is no need to worry at all. If you feel that, this things are giving you sleepless nights then file a complaint to nearest police station and let them know ur case. Hope it helps.
Thanx for the advice. I think thats a good idea, but how about if I e-mail to consulate themselves.

RD : Jul 2002.
ND : Jul 2002.
FP : Sep 2002.
I'm not sure if you are scared about identity theft. Not trying to scare you, but someone with u'r SSN, name etc can open credit acccounts on your name. You can subscribe to a credit watch service where a company will watch your credit record and track any new accounts or changes. The credit report agency equifax ( provides this service. I guess you already know all of this anyway.
zztop, thanx for your advice but mainly I am concerned about the my papers getting produced by another person in consulate. I mean some people can use them any manner.

RD : Jul 2002.
ND : Jul 2002.
FP : Sep 2002.
Cover your back by informing the police and sending an email/mail with return receipt to the consulate. After that whatever happens is not your problem......
A police report should do the job as far as covering your back is concerned.

Sending an email to the consulate is just opening a bag of worms. If they have your information on file, the next time you sponsor a visa you might have problems.

The bigger concern as someone rightly mentioned is your credit history etc. So get that part straightened out first.
I-140, u r absolutely right, e-mailing consulate is like creating many doubts. thanks for your advice.

RD : Jul 2002.
ND : Jul 2002.
FP : Sep 2002.
I think it will be good idea for you to order credit report from all 3 major credit bearus and verify you have every thing in order. It is always advisable to order such reports once in a year for all.
Originally posted by sam99
I think it will be good idea for you to order credit report from all 3 major credit bearus and verify you have every thing in order. It is always advisable to order such reports once in a year for all.

Could you please clarify what do you mean by 3 major credit bearus . Are these bearus enough to stop identity theft ?
Could you please clarify what do you mean by 3 major credit bearus . Are these bearus enough to stop identity theft ?

The three credit bureaus are Equifax, Experian & Transunion. You can get your credit report from one or all of them. The credit report will list your name, address, date of birth, employer and all your credit accounts viz. credit cards, loans, mortgages. You should review your credit report at least once a year and check for any abnormal accounts like a credit card which you don't have.

Additionally you can subscribe to a credit watch service where they monitor your credit report and contact you as soon as any new account is opened with your name. In case of an identity theft where someone uses your name to open credit cards, you will be notified immediately.

also contact you r bank and let them know. you can place a password on your acct so no one can take money out. cancel checks if any check was there and get new ones.
as said before, contact all three agencies for a fraud watch. and if you have homeowners/renters insurance, pay an additional amt for identity theft coverage. that covers some amt ( 10-15 K) incase you have to take legal help later on if someone used your identity for something and you have to fight it.
Best Wishes.
Originally posted by WaitingOver
Could you please clarify what do you mean by 3 major credit bearus . Are these bearus enough to stop identity theft ?

hope you got the answer from zztop.
Additinal Info

Informing Social Security Admin would also help block false uses of your SS : SS Admin Fraud Line - 2690271 .
In case you're still looking for the #s :
Equifax 1800-5256285
Expedian 1800-3973742
Trans Union 1800-6807289

I always have these numbers in hand just in case.

Goodluck !