Packet 3


Registered Users (C)
I am curious to know whether I need to send the Birth Certificate, PCC, Marriage Certificate and the other required documents with DS-230 to NVC or I need to have these documents ready before Interview. Advice from Gurus is appreciated.

gc_mushy said:
I am curious to know whether I need to send the Birth Certificate, PCC, Marriage Certificate and the other required documents with DS-230 to NVC or I need to have these documents ready before Interview. Advice from Gurus is appreciated.


No. u no need to send any certificates along with Packet3 unless they ask u to send it.
Those documents are shown at the time of interview only..
In the letter which I recieved from NVC say " Please send all the completed DS-230 Part I and Part II forms to the NVC with the other documents requested in this information packet."
And in the introduction parts it says: You must now obtain the documents required for your application for an immigrant visa and send them to NVC

Based on this my understanding is that I need to send these documents. Feedback will be of great help.

Whatever docuemnts you send make sure U send a copy only. It would do no harm is sending the copies to the NVC.
It depends on the consulates that are going to process the case. For all consulates in India and European countries, you do not need to send the documents with packet 3. For consulates in African and Middle East countries, NVC reviews both Packet 3 and your original documents, which are then forwarded together to the consulates in those countries.
Please check out this website, which gives instructions on how NVC will handle your petition depending on which consulate you will be using. It appears that the same procedure is used for Canada and African countries.

English Language Instruction Packet:

Instructions for Immigrant Visa Applicants (applying in Canada, Albania, Turkey, United Arab Emirates or on the continent of Africa)

Instructions for Immigrant Visa Applicants (NOT applying in Canada, Albania, Turkey, United Arab Emirates or on the continent of Africa)