Packet-3 Review taking too long

Hi RK.

Wondering if the NVC reviewed your P3 yet. At my end, its the same.... no news.
(I am not sure what the problem is. When I chk at, everyone seems to be getting their P3 reviewed within a matter of 3 weeks)

I am tempted everytime to check the status update if any at NVC, but I've decided not to call NVC and wait till the completion of 8 weeks...I think they're too irritated already. Enough damage has already been done in my case considering my wife's inability to travel out.

There are no other options for us but to wait!

review complete

Hi RK,

Wanted to update you - I just called the NVC and the operator confirmed that my review was completed today.
And with that being said, it took NVC the entire 8 weeks (from the date of last documentation received from my lawyer) and a total of 3 and a half months (from the date of P3 received) !!!!!!!!!!

For all the experts out there,

in your experience, when can I expect my interview? ...thats hoping they do no lose my papers on the way to the consulate ;-)


I concur with gcsucks and rk that is it jan 04 for sure with a slim chance for december 03. Knowing the air tickets situation you'd rather hope it is january rather than december. Congrats of review completion!

RK Awaiting same good news from you soon...!