Packet-3 Review taking too long


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Is there any means to do something about P-3 review at NVC ?? this is the 6th week since I submitted my P-3. The response from the customer service folks at NVC are rather rude and they don't tell you anything other than - come back after 6 to 8 weeks.

My understanding is that they just do clerical reviews- checking names, DOB, etc, etc. Why should this take so long ????

Is anybody on this forum in a similar situation as mine ????

In the P-3 instructions my wife's last name was incomplete and my attorney just put a note requesting NVC to make the changes and in addition we attached a letter requesting them to fecilitate an earlier interview date considering my wife is pregnant and will have issues traveling beyond certain number of weeks.

Any clue as to what could've gone wrong and is there any way at all to talk to NVC and explain our situation.

Your input/help is appreciated.


Is there any means to do something about P-3 review at NVC ??
Answer: Unfortunately one cannot do anything until the end of week 8. But normally if you ask about your case they will at least tell you if your file has been taken up for review.
My understanding is that they just do clerical reviews- checking names, DOB, etc, etc. Why should this take so long ????
Answer: True they make sure al required blanks in 230 part -1 and part ii are filled as expected and accurate to the best of NVC's knowledge.
There is no way for me to provie what i will just say since this is what i have heard as reason for delay in p3 review:
* Incomplete documentation where required forms not mailed
* Incomplete forms such as ds 230 part i and ii
* Multiple visa transfer such as f-1 to h-1b to another h-1b to an h-1b extension kinda scenario
Reasons are endless (but do not worry about it) and like i said this is what i have heard and read on this forum
Is anybody on this forum in a similar situation as mine ????
Answer: I know someone personally who is a viewer on this forum but has not posted public messages but i have received private messages from whose p3 review took 6.5 weeks. HE was given no reasons. His p3 file was received only 1.5 weeks after mine but my p3 was review in just under 3 weeks and his took 6.5 weeks. On the other hand i know someone else who is a regular member of this forum and his p3 was reviewed in 1 week and sent to the consulate in india in 1 week. Not only was i surprised he too was astonished! What i would suggest is wait till your 8 week and then you can officially ask them what the deal is with your case?
In the P-3 instructions my wife's last name was incomplete and my attorney just put a note requesting NVC to make the changes and in addition we attached a letter requesting them to fecilitate an earlier interview date considering my wife is pregnant and will have issues traveling beyond certain number of weeks.Any clue as to what could've gone wrong and is there any way at all to talk to NVC and explain our situation.
Answer: In fact in my personal opinion what your attorney did was correct by requesting an earlier date due to the pregnancy and to update your wife's name in the form! But again my worry is the reviewer may have translated the letter such that one cannot travel on pregnancy and hence the delay in p3 review! (it again depends how that letter was drafted) If I were you I would talk to NVC rep and to start with tell your case was recieved on xx/xx/xxxx, it has been 6+ weeks and would like to know if (i) it has been taken up for review & (ii) was there incomplete documentation or anything else that you needed to provide!

RK I have a feeling this following week is when everything will get resolved. It does not make sense to get stressed out about things that are beyond aour control. Everything will eb allright next week! Take care and take care of your wife..she needs you to be fine and smiling! Say hi to her on our behalf here at immigraiton forum!
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Thanks for the re-assurance kdeviker! Like you said it could happen this week....and let me hope it really does for our countdown clock is ticking fast...

Thanks again,

Hi RK_0649

I am pretty much in the same boat as yours.
My papers were received on 21st Aug and its been nearly 6 weeks now, but there is no sign of 'review complete'

Summarizing my case :
My packet 3 was sent in July, since I added my spouse after 140, they issued a fee bill. All the papers were in order by 31st July, however as the fee was acknowledged on 21st Aug, NVC puts you back in the queue.

Based on my observation on cptracker, I had pressumed that I would be done by Oct-Nov (my CP proess began in April) But, I guess not!!!! Lets just say - I had a few hurdles come my way.

Will wait unitl the 16th (thats when the 8 weeks elapse) and ask my lawyer to followup. Incase, I here any different will followup on the forum.

I posted my question in another thread, but this thread seems more appropriate....

I just called up that number and the message says that my case was approved on Sept 22nd and that I should hear from NVC/State no later than 8 weeks.

Does this mean the case has been forwarded to the Mumbai consulate on Sept 22nd? Or, does this mean that the consulate will get it within next 8 weeks? I am confused. Any clarification is greatly appreciated.

Also, if this case is supposed to be forwarded to the consulate, what is the next step? Should I send an email to consulate asking them when I can get an interview?

Any response is greatly appreciated.
octa viva,

after the review, the NVC mails the reviewed document to your consulate. The consulate then sends you a Packet 4 along with a interview date. However, you can pro actively find out your interview date by contacting the consulate, couple weeks after your review is complete.

I concur wih ora8. Your current message probably reads "Your P3 case is completed on xx/xx/xxxx date." In about a week it will read "You P3 case is completed and forwarded to the consulate in xxxx (consulate name)". This will be your last message update at NVC. Going orward contact your consulate for updates!

Send an email to the consulate or contact them by phone about 2 weeks after your file has been sent to the consulate (1 week for mailing plus 1 week for someone to enter in consulate system). Interviews are scheduled generally 2.5 months after file is entered in consulate system. So Octa viva having said this you can expect a december interview. You will probably be celebrating new years in India.
Thanx guys.

You are right. I cross-checked and the message says that "the case was completed on Sept 22nd". Now, I will wait for next message "ur case has been forwarded to consulate"... and in anycase will contact the consulate (by email) in another 2 weeks, just to check how things are. I suppose my lawyer should hear from NVC as well about P4....
NVC is strange!

Hi all,

Thought this might be of interest to you -

I just called NVC to check the status of my P3 review (as of now 6 weeks have elapsed)
The operator I spoke to, was very polite and mentioned that its a little unusual situation in my case that its taken that long. He also mentioned that its quite likely that the case is not in the queue at all. He also said - on the day of the 8th week, what they do is put in a request for the case to be reviewed. The case then comes right back in the queue and after, I can expect another 8,10,etc days for it to be reviewed/completed. (And that I am thinking is probably the same amount of time taken for others with no issues)
With that knowledge I asked him if he can make such a request for me right now. He did try, but his supervisor refused and I got a response that I will need to wait for full 8 weeks before they can act on this.

Now thats very strange! They know what the problem is - but wont act on it!

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My case is still out there. I called NVC today, spoke to the operator and and she said somebodyelse was also viewing my file or doing something on my case so she cannot get any status update and told me to call NVC tomorrow- I do not know if that is good.


the same incident happened with me and if i am not mistaken the next day P3 review was completed. So I a guessing you are almost there...just a matter of day or two!

Can you please let me know for how long has your P3 been in review?


How long did they take to complete your review?

Thanks for sharing your info.


My P3 was received on 2nd July and completed on 21st July. So 19 days including 1 long weekend and 2 regular weekends.
So you can say 2-3 weeks!
This Friday was the end of 6th week at NVC for my case!!!

This is one reason I wanted to know if this is related to the Consulate where you have opted for CP interview?? Mine is in Singapore and they do just about 7-10 employment based CP interviews per month and a total of just over 20 CP interviews for all categories.

Any comments ??


Here is the normal process irrespective of the consulate whether indian or singaporean (hope i got this right):

* NVC reviews P3 and completes it
** Depending on each consulate, the consulate requests case number of completed P3 reviews which is normally 35-45 employment cases per month for indian consultes and as you say about 10 employment cases for a consulate in singapore.

I think in your case, we are stuck at 1st bullet point and we are not yet at bullet point 2. And I dont think NVC completes P3 reviews based on what consulate it goes to. NVC reviews all P3 equally on a first-come first-served basis.
Do the folks at NVC do the so called "Random Name Checks" on behalf of consulate or any background check prior to forwarding the case to the consulate ??...any ideas.


I think only consulate has the database to run what is referred to as "Name Check" / "Administrative Check". And since NVC does not have access to such database it is very unlikely that NVC would do a Name Check!

My CP post is in India.

Did you have any corrections/requests for papers/additions in your P3 ? If yes then,

Based on the conversations that I've had with the NVC operators, here is my theory on what might have happened in yours and my case : The NVC might have put us on the side racks, not keeping a place holder, while the rest of the queue continues. And chances are they will have to be reminded at the end of 8 weeks. Unfortunately there is no faster way than this one.

After my documents were received by NVC there has been no communications whatsoever, that is- request for additional info from NVC. I have called them over a dozen time since the end of 3-4 weeks period and they would not reveal anything to me.

The one other thing we did was to attach a request a letter (along with the P-3 documents) stating my wife's condition will not permit her to travel beyond certain time frame and NVC if possible may help secure an earlier CP interview date from the consulate...thats all we did.

This coming week will be our 7th week!...too bad!!

I think the general impression has been that once your file has gone to the NVC - if you send in any paperwork requesting a change to the status of the file (i.e. request for correction or modification), your case will get pulled out of queue and therefore review will end up taking a longer time.

While this is probably not universally true, it is the impression I was given by my attorney. At worst, you will have to wait till the end of the 8 week period and the case will be put back into queue once you bring it to their attention.

Best of luck.