Pace of NSC I-485 approval


Registered Users (C)
At what rate is NSC processing I-485; i.e., how many months per each month are they processing? My PD is 2/97. My RD is 12/19/00 and ND is 12/28/00. Just trying to get the pace to understand approximately what time, I can expect the approval. Any clues will be greatly appreciated.
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At current pace, your case should get approved around year-end. Hope that the annual NSE audit in Oct does not hold up many cases.

Good luck.
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The average processing time for ND 11/99 was about 523 days.
The average processing time for ND 05/00 was about 400 days.
So if you are lucky, your case should be approved about 300 days from your application date. which means about mid Oct.

That, of course, is the best case.
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I guess right now they are processing July 2000 cases.
My RD is 10/27/00
& ND : 11/14/00
Still waiting.
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Your case is exactly identical to my case.
PD: 2/27 RD 12/19 ND 01/02 ( After they sent your ND to you,
they probably took long weekend, and came back and sent mine
on the following Tuesday).
FP done: 4/01 ( I think they were okay, I didn\'t chek them up though).

As some one said, the pace is picking up.
I have a estimate that says during 08/99, 09/99 and 03/00, 04/00
are months in which more I485 have been filed.
If 100% of those cases approved, we are only a couple of months
from our approvals.
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As of April 30, they were processing April 15,2000\'s cases,
As May 31, they were processing June 02,2000 ( went forward 1.5Month in 1Month)
As June 30, they were processing June 21, 2000\'s cases. ( 1 month, 19 days only!)

I don\'t see any RD\'s cases approval posted. I did see INS slowing down like the US economy.
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The pace is really coming down.
As far as I remember, this is the sequence which it progressed
in the last 4 months :
3 months, 3 months, 1.5 months, 19 days
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I certainly agree with you that pace appears to have
slowed down. ANother thing I noticed is, more pending cases have
been cleared in the last 40 days.
Though you saw, 3 months and 3 months forward, but that does
not mean all cases were completed of those time.
Now, lots of those period\'s pending cases are being approved.
So, if you average it for period of 6 months, you may see
a trend where we are going.
I always want to see 100% of pending and old cases to be
approved before they start August\'00 cases. When % of pending cases
are not known, trying to find the pace, its leads to wrong
conclusion. Also trying to figure pace using 3 month data is
not error-free approach.
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I am too in the same range as you guys. RD=12/06 ND=12/15 FP 03/28. I did not check FP, I guess it is alright since I did not hear from INS
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RD 12/13 ND 12/19
FP 4/4/01
Still waiting. Called FBI FP sent back to INS the same day! Is ths an idication that something is wrong ( unclear print?) with FP?

NO REF & Still waiting...