oxygenman or others


Registered Users (C)
Hi, Oxygenman,

Fifrst let me thank you for posting the details about your wife's case. They are very useful information.

My wife is in the same boat. Her fingerprints were rejected twice. So her case was tranfered to Chicago on October 23, 2002. RD is August 7, 2001 and ND September 18, 2001.

Yesterday we got the interview letter in the mail. Her interview is scheduled to be November 6. In the mail we received the appointment notice and adjustment interview documentary requirements list. The list is very generic. It didn't mention about 2 photos etc..

Could you kindly answer the following questions for us?

1. Did your wife prepare a police report? Since that's the impression we get that if you are transferred for fingerprints rejects, you will be asked for a police report instead. Am I wrong?

2. Did you and your wife redo the medical examination? (that is section D on the documentary requirements sheet) since it's only valid for 15 months? Or it is not the issue.

3. Did you go to Dearborn location or Jackson one? Mine will be at Dearborn office. I always thought it should be located at Jackson.

I apologize for the long email. Could you please provide your valuable input? If other nice people would like to share their experience, I would be very much appreciate it.

1. No we did not prepare any police reports. Our lawyer told us it was not necessary and also because my wife had her new fingerprints done in May 2003 again(after the first two in 2001)
It wouldn't hurt to get a police report just in case(it's very easy).
From my experience in the interview, the interviewer kept on asking for documents(Her question was: Do you have anything else?). I did not take a police report but if you can get it easily, take one.
2. We did not re-do the medical examination.
3. We went to the Dearborn one. They would have mentioned the address in the interview letter anyhow. Why are you confused about this?
4. Again, take the two photos even if they do not mention

You are right about the generic list. I think they just put it in as a flier almost. But it looks like whatever the reason for your interview or transfer is, they need all the documents(copies) in that list

So be prepared and it should be smooth
Thanks for the reply

I really appreciate your answers. My wife did do a second fingerprints last month. So I guess we won't get a police report either.

Thank you!!!