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Can a person own LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) on H1-B status?
But should not work for this owned company, unless you have a H1 from your own company. owner should not sponser H1 for him.lf.dyingforgc said:Can a person own LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) on H1-B status?
great guru said:But should not work for this owned company, unless you have a H1 from your own company. owner should not sponser H1 for him.lf.
dyingforgc said:sponsor won't be sponsoring himself but would spnsor other candidates in future. that would be fine right? When this person owns his company, he would have some income (besiedes his regular H1-B job income), would this be a problem? thanks.
great guru said:Suppose you own a company, to sponser others you have to have a employee (not an H1) to sign the INS papers. INS do background check for this employee.
To sponser, you should have a office, business plan, atleast some balance in the bank showing you are not overnight compnay, if it is a body shopping company, you must have 3 yrs contract for the consultants specifying his/her locations , nature of job etc.
dyingforgc said:great_guru: thanks for the answer. I do understand whatever you said below. I have a way of handling and meeting INS requirements, everything officially.
let's forget about sponsoring people for now but can person own a company (LLC) on H1-B and take official checks on company name. since person being primary member of LLC, can he generate income from his own LLC for him? that would be extra income and my question is; would that be a problem or how to handle this?