

New Member
Hello I hope someone who can help me and give me more information ... In March of 2009 I left for San Francisco with the Visa Waiver Program had to go back in Italy June 17, but someone that I trusted told me that I could be more 3 months and so returned to Italy on September 13.
On October 15 I went back to S. Francisco and the airport they put me on the next flight to Italy and told me that I could return with usavisa.
So I started a charge card for the student visa I-20 and the rest of the documents, I have the american tutor who would support me in studies.
On December 3, 2009 I did the interview I told them the documents, but unfortunately my current I dont have money and Italy at the time I was not working the consul denied me the visa.
Now I have found a job from 2 months and my parents gave me money.
What do you think now I can try one Repeat the interview?