overseas travel with N-400 pending


Registered Users (C)
I have tried unsuccessfully to speak with a Customer Service Representative at USCIS, but all I seem to get is the automated loop. My N-400 case has been pending since June and I have plans to travel overseas through early November. I need to be 100% sure there are no travel restrictions while waiting to be interviewed. I will be leaving someone in charge of my mailbox and have also signed up for email notification, in case I need to return at an earlier date for my interview.

My timeline so far is as follows:
Application received: June 15, 2007
Priority date: June 15, 2007
Fingerprinting completed: July 18, 2007
Application currently pending at the Nebraska Service Center

I will be very grateful for any input/advice regarding this matter, including how to reach a live Customer Service Representative at the USCIS info line.
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You seem to have all your bases covered. The e-mail notification might not work (i.e. so far the online status tools haven't been of much help). If you're going to have someone check your mail that should be good enough, plus you're willing to cut your trip short for the interview. From what you say in your message you should be fine for your trip.

My 2 cents.
The e-mail notification might not work (i.e. so far the online status tools haven't been of much help).

That has been my experience as well, hopefully the current processing backlog will work in my favor. By the way, congratulations on successfully completing the process!

I am mostly concerned about any problems upon re-entering the country. I have LPR status, to the best of my knowledge there should be no restrictions on traveling at this juncture, but could use hearing from someone who has this information. I decided to travel now as it takes a while to obtain a U.S. passport after completing the citizenship process. I am working under the assumption the notification for the citizenship interview is sent 1-2 months in advance, does anyone know whether this is correct?

Thanks again for any and all input.
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I managed to speak with a live person at the USCIS hotline, she confirmed there are no restrictions to travel for a permanent resident while waiting for the naturalization interview. Only thing is to be willing to cut the trip short if interview is scheduled during that time. Also, the trip will need to be added to the total of days spent out of the country.

Hope this helps someone else.
There are no restrictions because until you take the oath, you remain a permanent resident. The usual cautions apply; don't miss the interview, don't break any of the eligibility criteria, and don't do anything daft like moving abroad.
USCIS hotline

What is USCIS hotline phone# and options to talk to live person. The reason is I sent my N400 application on 9/15 and till date check has not been cleared so i am wondering about the delivery of the post. I sent via first class mail with out any acknowledgement slip.
Thanks in advance for the help.
What is USCIS hotline phone# and options to talk to live person.

National Customer Service Center (NCSC)
(TTY 1-800-767-1833)

You need to follow the prompts, info is available in English and Spanish.

If you filed in July right before the rate increase, there is currently a backlog in issuing receipts and processing checks. You can read info and updates on the matter at http://www.uscis.gov

Best luck to everyone.
The e-mail notification might not work (i.e. so far the online status tools haven't been of much help).

You were right about that. The interview letter arrived while I was overseas, luckily I had someone in charge of checking my mail. I have yet to receive email notification from USCIS (which I registered for), and my online status still appears as pending at the Nebraska Service Center.

At any rate, my interview is scheduled for mid-December, exactly 6 months after submitting the application. Not bad, considering the current processing jam.

Best to all.
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N-400 timeline update

Service Center: Nebraska
District Office: Chicago

06/11/2007: Mailed to NSC
06/15/2007: Priority/Received Date
06/22/2007: FP Notification
07/18/2007: FP Appointment
10/25/2007: Interview Notification
12/19/2007: Interview Passed

A word of advice: the online status tool has proved of no help, according to it my case is still pending at NSC...

Waiting for Oath date, hopefully in January. Thanks for your assistance through this process and best luck to all!
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