Outside US for 1 year


Registered Users (C)
I acquired US citizenship through naturalization. My wife has a Green Card and is eligible to apply for N-400. My firm (US Corporation) has asked me to go on a international assignment for 2 years. My wife will accompany me as well. I know that this trip (since greater than six months) will disrupt her continuous residence requirement. Although she can apply for Re-entry permit that will allow her to come back into country, it will not help towards the residence requirement. However, it looks like she may be able to apply for N-470 that would count her stay outside US towards the residency requirement. Looking at the N-470 application, it seems like only the employee who is leaving on international assignment can apply for it and his spouse will automatically get the same benefit. But in this case, since I am a US citizen, I will not be able to apply for N-470. Can you please advice and let me know if my wife is eligible to apply for N-470.

Thank you for your help.