Out of country for 5 months


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my wife is planning to stay in india for 5 months continously , is it ok ? any problems at the POE ?

What is the max period one can stay out of country ? after getting passport stamped ?

thanks in advance.

-- gtracker03

murthy.com says if we stay for more than 5 months it is suggested to take re-entry permit.

my wife is staying for 4 1/2 months outside USA after getting GC will it cause any problem at the POE ?

Any experiences please ?
There should be no problem for LPR to stay away from the USA for upto 6 months.

Just in case, have evidence of having maintained close ties with the USA during absence abroad. This evidence can be leases/mortgages, drivers license, bank accounts, utility bills etc.

This evidence will definitely be needed if you are out more than 6 months.

Residency requirement for naturalization is that a person must be "continuously resident" in the US for 5 years. And he must be physically present in the US for 2.5 years (of those 5) with no single absence of more than six months.
Please note that, even with a re-entry permit, if you stay abroad for over a year, you would break your "continuous residency" period and would need to start your period all over again; that is, if you wish to apply for Naturalization.

Naturalization Guide states that if you returned within 2 years, 364 days can count towards "continuous residency" requirement.