our plight in the news


this is starting to stop..

Waiting for GC is the highest punishment..any one can get..this even beats the slat water torture of Chinese.

All the BCIS officials needs to be sent to Hong Kong to catch SCARS.....

before they do that...all the members on this board needs to hired as BCIS officers

and we will take it from there and we vote laloo to head the operations and mulayam singh to do the PR and Veerappan to do the HR .
That article din't mention anything about the increase in processing speed! Infact, the last paragraph was a little disheartening! *SIGH* Approval! When is it gonna come? I wish INS had a heart!


Chinese water torture is something that tests a man's patience. They tie someone down till he cannot move, and then introduce a drip of water that falls at a very slow constant/variable rate on some part of his body. Our minds are so regimented, that we keep waiting for the next drop and it drives people nutz!
It sure is kinky and so are the people at CSC.

Regards -

"We come from the position that if we had fewer applications and reduced the work load, we'd have fewer delays in applications," said San Rafael resident xxxxx. "And we need to be strict about who we're letting in."

Sure - I agree you need to be sure about who is entering, but then visa's were extended for some people whose pictures and names were all over the media for 6 months after what they did. They are several arguments and excuses for the lapses - its best not to go into details.

Also, security checks seem to be only an excuse for laziness. Shouldn't the same apply to VSC too - which is churning out approvals at a rate faster than CSC. The blokes in CSC are just plain lazy and at a personal level they really do not care who is let in or not - for them it seems to be an ego trip of - 'I can control your life and destiny with a stroke of my pen and I will be an ass (by issueing an RFE or NTD) just because I can and you cannot do anything about it'.

Well what goes around comes around.

God bless all of us with quick approvals. I think I should approach my 'pandit' to do a special yagna.
Salt Water


that is actually SALT WATER TORTURE.

This is how the Chinese Gove torture who goes against Communism. They will shave the head (tonsure) and they will tie up and they make salt water droplets fall on you. You know what they will make this till u die.

so called BCIS is worst than that.

U start a day, atleast one paper above ur number will clear and at the end of the day...back to square on 11/16/2003. That number is constant from 01-01-2003. the variable factor is BCIS Officers.
Contact info for the people that may help us

From the news, seems there are some people who are in sympathy with us. We should let them know our situation.

Here are some contact info for the complaint letter

Remember: Complaining on this board is useless if there is NO ACTION. Let's not get depressed, and do something to fight this INS unjustice and inefficiency.

Tell them what you experienced and how you feel. Let them hear your voice.

1. San Jose Mercury News:
contact Pankaj Paul at immigration@sjmercury.com or (408) 278-3492

We should send our concern mails to this address and ask to be published.

2. Local senators (California):

On each Senators' Home Page you will find his/her email address, Capitol and District addresses and phone numbers, a map of the district, the Member's biography, a list of all the legislation authored by that Senator, his/her committee memberships, press releases and other publications, district links, and more.

3. CongressMan
Website: http://www.house.gov/honda/
Post at: http://www.house.gov/honda/contactmike.html


Wish us good luck!

Lets do something.

Lets all of us send a email to the senator at around the same time, stating our concerns about the backlogs and delays in 485 processing.

One of us should create a template letter and we should decide on the time when we want to email it to the senator.

Same thing can be done for Media and stuff. If they get lots of emails at the same time they mite become curious and start looking at it.

We have been this route like 100 times. And there has never been any community support for mailing senators. For some reason, we as a community are unable to fire on all cylinders and mail our pleas to these senators and get them to look into our cases.

Any ways this attitude of
One of us should create a template ........
is exactly what the problem is, who is that one.

Besides it was also agreed upon that a template letters does nothing. Each letter has to be individualistic, typos, bad grammer and all. It is only if each letter explains the view point of the writer will there be any real difference.

If you actually get this idea to fly kudos to you!
whichever is fine

I would create a template myself, but I am sure it won't be a good example.

If we want to send individualistic letter lets do that way. But we have to do it soon and all at the same time.
I agree! Lets give it one more try. Why don't you open a new thread on this topic or bring up one of the old ones where we discussed this issue priorly?