Our Long pain ordeal is Over - Thanks to God


Registered Users (C)
Our Four and half year long GC journey has come to an end today with the
arrival of cards.

Here is details :

   RD : Aug 25,1999
   AD : July 27, 2001
   Stamped at : San Jose, on Aug 13, 2001
   Younger son\'s Card received on : Sep 18 2001
   Other members(3) Card ordered on : Nov 14, 2001
                         Received on : Dec 7, 2001.

  This long painful ordeal is over. Without the help from you and this
site, I would have really gone mad with this GC process. My million
sincere thanks to all of you. I wish every one all the best in your

    Wish you good luck.
No Title

Hi Shraddha,
    It still says that your card has been ordered on ....

     Wish you good luck.

card received VSC

AD : 8/17/2001
Stamped at: Newark, NJ 8/30/2001
Center: VSC
Card ordered on : 11/9/2001
Received on : 12/7/2001

The whole process took me 25 months. Finally it is a done deal.

I have a queston. What does the Category E17 mean?

Good luck to your all.