Our journey completed for citizenship


Registered Users (C)
This is our story. We sent our N-400 forms in one big cover (two separate covers inside the big cover) and requested to process our application together. They did it exactly.
This is the details:

PD : 11/3/2008
Check En-cashed: 11/13/2008
FP: 12/5/2008.
ID 1/29/09
Oath 3/4/09
We had FP time around 12 PM. We reached there around 11:30 and completed FP within 15 minutes (not much crowd was there)
IL received: 12/22/2008
Interview date: 1/29/2009 at Boston.
Interview details: our time was 9 A.M and reporting time was 8.30 A.M at JFK building.
We reached there around 9 (delayed). After security clearance, we reached E-106 building around 9.15 A.M, submitted the Interview letter to window 1 and they gave us one page white sheet to fill up and asked to wait in the Hall. There are 40-50 people already waiting. After 30 mins, one USCIS staff came and called my wife for Civic and English test. I had to wait another 30 mins. The same guy called me for Civic and English test. The test was simple. First, he asked me to read three sentences in a printed paper. I can not remember the exact sentences but like this.
1.Columbus day is a national holiday
2. Washington, D.C is our capital
3. Which country is south of America
He asked me to write “Columbus day is in October”
After that he asked the 6 civic questions such as Q# 8, 13, 19, 31, 35 and 39.
Then he wrote pass in the paper and directed me to go to E-107 (I guess) for final interview with IO. In fact, he asked the same set of questions to my wife as well.

Interview: I saw many people were waiting in the Hall. I did not see my wife in the Hall since she was being interviewed. After 15 minutes, IO(a young lady) called me for interview. There are so many rooms in the hallway. First, she asked me to raise my right hand for a pledge. She took my passport, may be driver’s license and green card. She asked three questions specifically a) Social security number, b) home phone number and c) date of birth.
She was going through the N-400 forms very fast and asking questions but did not bother to wait. I did not carry any income tax transcript (but took 5 years receipt). My interview was over with 10-15 minutes. I had one speeding ticket($105), did not mention in N400 but told the IO and she was not bothered to listen. My case was straight forward and visited overseas once for 20 days.
She said congra!!, and you are approved and put a stamp on the application and escorted me to the waiting Hall and said “That Oath letter will be issued within 15 minutes”.
I was waiting in the Hall but still could not see my wife. After some time, she came with a form (mentioned she passed and the name of IO, who interviewed. Her IO was very tough (an old guy) and took over 1 hour and went line by line of N-400 forms. Anyway, after sometime, one lady called me for oath letter. I had two sign on my photographs(two copy) with her permanent ink pen. After that she gave me the oath letter (Oath date was 3/4/09). My wife also called next and got the oath letter for 3/4/09.

Oath: Oath was at Hynes convention center, Boston at 10:30 AM. We reached there around 9:30 AM. It was a long queue. They distributed the crowd according to color of oath letters(orange, purple and yellow). We crossed the two rooms and directed to show our oath letter to some USCIS staff (again they distributed the crowd according to table # in the oath letter (Table 1 to 7). They checked the Oath letter (back side also) and asked if anything happened after interview and then put a stamp “checked”, and directed us to table where many staff members were taking GC. We went to the table and noted our A# in their list and took the green card and out inside a “trash bin”. We are directed to the hall for Oath ceremony. There were flag and a small packets(with two small booklets) in each seat. One USCIS staff in the podium with microphone was directing and announcing many things. As such there was no security check. Cell phones, pagers, camera allowed inside the hall. We were waiting and nothing happened till the judge came around 12:15.
There are approx over 2700 people took the oath (many guests were sitting in the upper balcony) and 437 had a name change request. Judge allowed the request. Judge gave a small speech and then some body read the “oath” on behalf of the judge and we recited the oath speech word by word. That’s over. The judge left the hall. It took around 30 minutes for the actual ceremony. They asked to switch off the phones and pagers when judge was in the hall>
USCIS staff asked the guests leave the hall after the judge left. Then asked row-by-row people go to the respective tables (1-7) outside the hall to collect the naturalization certificate. We went and collected our certificates from the table where we deposited our green cards. The certificates were stacked in order(according to A#). Some body was calling the number and the other was handing over the certificate. For me, they gave me other’s certificate by mistake. I checked and found that was not mine. Immediately, they gave me the correct one. So our journey is over.

3/5/09 PP applied, went SS office for status change.

Lastly, this is a great forum for us. I specially thanks to Mr Rajiv Khanna and his team for providing us an opportunity to exchange our experiences through this forum. Many thanks to other contributors for their valuable advices.
Futuregc9. Congratulations. Just one question. What do you mean by

"We went to the table and noted our A# in their list and took the green card and out inside a “trash bin”. "
They have assigned the table number in the oath letter itself to distribute the 2700 crowd. for example our table# was 7. Others may be 1, 2, 3 etc.
Threfore, before check in, they directed to the people according to the table # written in oath letter. For example, we were directed to table # 7 before check-in and also after oath ceremony. USCIS staffs have list of all names and A# in printed paper handy(as per table). So when, we reported, they took our A# and tick in their list(in that printed paper to ensure that the particular people has come for oath. Then, they took our green card and put inside a trash bin (I guess for mass-shreading).After oath, we came to the same table and handed over our oath letter and they gave us the "certificate".
They told us to sign in the certificate at home and signature should same as we signed in photograph