Online status update time ....


Registered Users (C)
Does anybody know what time of day the online status is updated?

It will save me from checking the status every hour.

Still Waiting ....
Online Status update

Priyali, I don't think there is any set schedule. INS claims that it is updated several times a day., but ... you never know.

I usually check the status once a day at around 9 or 10 pm (both online as wells as Voice message). I understand and feel your frustration ... hang on ... our day will come!
I do the same, just before going to bed check the status to hear/see those magic words. If you follow these posts it looks like there will be atleast two updates, one around 10AM and another sometime in the evening. Good luck folks...
The online status gets updated between 10 AM and 11 AM. This morning when I checked my case status at 10 AM( NSC time), there was no change and after 45 mts ( 10 :45) , I checked agian and found case status got changed. NSC issued RFE on Jan-24, but both online and AVM were updated this morning.
Online Status

I checked my AVM approval yesterday at around 4:00 pm C.S.T.

Then, around 7:00 pm C.S.T. The online status changed.