Online Status now reflects RFE


Registered Users (C)
I had contacted Senator Rick Santorum's office in Feb 2004. They returned with a response from USCIS on 2/24 saying that our FP/Name/DOB check was completed and that they would assign an officer to our cases. On 3/30 Senator's office got back saying they will issue an RFE. When I checked status online just now it shows the following:

On April 1, 2004, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case. The notice explains in detail what additional material is needed. If you have questions about the notice, what is required, or if 14 days have passed and you have not received the notice, please call the National Customer Service Center at (800) 375-5283.

I know this has been asked a million times, but I presume the RFE Notice goes only to the attorney, right? Do we get a courtesy copy? Is it better to respond to the RFE ourselves or get it done through our attorney. Any input on that? Thanks in advance.

Sorry to hear about your RFE.

>>but I presume the RFE Notice goes only to the attorney, right?
- Yes.

>>Do we get a courtesy copy?

>>Is it better to respond to the RFE ourselves or get it done through our attorney. Any input on that?
- If it a simple RFE (such as medical), then I think you can reply without attorney, but if it is complex (such as ac21) then seeking attorney's help would be useful. That is just my openion. I think I have seen some postings in this forum mentioning ... people responded to the RFE without attorney, may be they can share their experiences.


Sorry about your RFE. Hey good thing is atleast something is happening. Please respond to RFE ASAP, and you may get your approval soon.
It is good that you got RFE, now you know an adjudicator looked at your case. Get in touch with lawyer as he/she is only will get the actual letter. Send all the documents to the lawyer and keep in touch with him. Have lawyer respond to the RFE as he is your representation. Good luck