Online status not getting updated with FP results for a year now


Registered Users (C)
Hi All
My I485 ND is 17th March 2003. I registered recently and my LUD is 04/10/03. That is when FP notice was sent to me. I went for FP in May 2003. My online status is not updated with my FP results and online status still says :

"On April 10, 2003, we mailed a notice requesting that you appear for fingerprint recording. The notice also gave the times and location where this processing could be done. If 14 days have passed and you have not received this notice, you may wish to verify or update your address. To update your address, please call the National Customer Service Center at (800) 375-5283."

My lawyer called FBI and they said that they have sent my FP results to USCIS. Since then I got my second EAD and AP. Also called the 1-800 number and it says the same.

Anyone with ideas as to how to get USCIS's attention to have them update my online status. Also as my FP's are going to expire in couple of months will it help sending a fax enquiry at this time.

Thanks for your help and I appreciate everybody who takes time to help others.
It is normal for CIS not to update online status timely. You can probably do only one thing yourself now: call NCSC and tell them exactly what you told us here. It's the same 1-800 number you already called, but choose options that get you to IIO. Very likely you won't get anywhere other than getting your LUD changed.
That's it, your options on getting their attention are limited.
On the other hand, you shouldn't have any reasons to worry. CIS will not "forget" your application, they just take a very long time to process them.
Hi ruxrux
Thanks for your reply. Do you think it will be ok to send a fax inquiry for this? There is an other column in the fax inquiry sheet for the "nature of the inquiry".

Thanks for your help.
The fax inquiry will not hurt. However, you should know two things
- many lawyers (including mine) claim that you should in no way contact CIS yourself, that can be detrimental to your case. Aalthough I think that's pure BS, I still need to mention this
- you'll probably get no response ever from CIS, not even LUD update; they are overwhelmed with people who are behind JIT (like the writer of this), who send probably a ton of faxes every day
My LUD changed to 06/28/04 and my status was updated to "Results of your figerprints were received.....". Looks like getting registered online triggered status and LUD updation. I wonder how USCIS's system works for online updations.
Thanks ruxrux for your help.