Online sample exam for FPGEE - It is great


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Hi there,

 I just stumbled upon a site where you can take some sample tests to get a
feel of FPGEE exams. I am posting the link for your reference. Try on looks interesting.

May be it might be a good practice and make reading for the exams interesting.

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Hi Ramesh,.

My name is Harish and I am currently doing my MS. in Pharmacy at the University of Montana, .... at this point of time I have reached the crossroads where I am unable to decide which path to take and this contemplation has lead me to take the FPGEE. I am really zapped to know that many of u guys have already taken it or at least in the process of taking it. I would appreciate very much if u could help this poor soul in this regard. I need to start from square 1 (which means I have\'nt contacted NABP yet) and please do give me all the inputs u possibly can. Thanx a lot guys and I really do hope to hear from u guys pretty soon !!!!!!!!...I can do with any kinda inputs

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Its a great help for the FPGEE preparation.
I appreciate your way helping other people.