Online message


Registered Users (C)
says case number not found...I am already approved but waiting for plastic......
Anybody else seeing the same message?
yes - everyone who is approved is getting the same message - some kinda bug in the system.
summary: bug of case status online since 9/11/2003

When you tried to see your case status, you might get the following error message:
The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center.
National Customer Service Center (800) 375-5283
Your case might have been approved.
You can confirm your case status to call NCSC 1-800-375-5283 and to push many "1"s.

Here is the detail.
The simple programming bug was incorporated into the logic layer of the BCIS Case Status Online around 10:15am on 9/11/2003 PST.
It is not fixed yet as of 7:00pm 9/14/2003 PST.

Caused by this bug, for not only I485 but also any type of applications, the case with the following status can not be found.
1) approved
2) fingerprint notice sent
3) withdrawal
4) underliverable by post office
5) other minor status groups

However, the database itself is OK, so you can get your correct status from NCSC 1-800-375-5283 free dial.

This bug also affects most of scanning projects such as Project Kashmir.
I recommend to remove the above cases from your scan list until the bug will be fixed.

I hope the BCIS will fix the bug as soon as possible.
same here but i'm far to be approved ;-(

Hi all,

First participation here. I just found out about you and already I like the place.
I discovered tonight that my case is not found:

"The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center.
National Customer Service Center (800) 375-5283 "
I was worrying before today coz I've done the FP on last march but my online status was still showing the same message about the FP appointment. My lawyer said that the background check would probably be the main reason .... but who knows!

Any similar experience and/or any suggestions?

Many Warm Thx
Thank you all

I just got back from India.....on Passport stamp...didn't face any problem at POE ...It was quick (under 1 minute for both of us)

Status: Waiting for the Plastic
Re: Thank you all

Cool! That is good to hear.

Originally posted by Jaic
I just got back from India.....on Passport stamp...didn't face any problem at POE ...It was quick (under 1 minute for both of us)

Status: Waiting for the Plastic

I got the same "Case not found" message - checked the phone system and it said "This case has been approved"!!!!

It's been a long haul (5+ years) but it's done - waiting for the Approval notice now and will then camp outside the JFK builing in Boston for stamping :)

I'll post full details once I come down from cloud nice :D :cool:

I am a I-485 applicant for last 7 months. I am getting "The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time" message for last 3-4 days.

What does this mean?
