Online check status: "Fingerprint Processing Complete-Non-Ident " disappear


Registered Users (C)

I check status online daily. Today the sentence "Fingerprint Processing Complete-Non-Ident " disappeared. And when I called 802-527-4193, got " ....this number is not in service at this time."

At this time, I am sensitive about any changes and try to guess what is meaning behind it. Possible explanations:
1. the case is took by an officer.
2. part of the audit.
3. decision made but not updated.

Any of your thoughts?

Looks like while auditing, INS wont update AVM and Online comes true..

Lts cross our fingers. I checked AVM after i saw the status blank.. but for me AVM says regular msg like "On Jan..."

Originally posted by wait485wait

I check status online daily. Today the sentence "Fingerprint Processing Complete-Non-Ident " disappeared. And when I called 802-527-4193, got " ....this number is not in service at this time."

At this time, I am sensitive about any changes and try to guess what is meaning behind it. Possible explanations:
1. the case is took by an officer.
2. part of the audit.
3. decision made but not updated.

Any of your thoughts?

The # is ... 4913 not ... 4193 as listed there

Originally posted by wait485wait

I check status online daily. Today the sentence "Fingerprint Processing Complete-Non-Ident " disappeared. And when I called 802-527-4193, got " ....this number is not in service at this time."

At this time, I am sensitive about any changes and try to guess what is meaning behind it. Possible explanations:
1. the case is took by an officer.
2. part of the audit.
3. decision made but not updated.

Any of your thoughts?


Thanks a lot.

Do not blame me careless for that. I got that number from ins status check online, it listed:
I do not know other center listed is right or not.

Vermont Service Center (802) 527-4193
Nebraska Service Center (402) 323-7830
California Service Center (949) 831-8427
Texas Service Center (214) 381-1423
Missouri Service Center (816) 478-2619
Hey wait485...

What's your RD? My RD is 10/02/01 and my status is also not showing that "Finger Print comple.... " thingy. Wonder if that's happening with others as well.
Re: Online status check today...

When I check my 485 status online today, the bold message disappeared. Earlier it used to display the fingerprints complete - Non ident...

However, there are lines in small print after the Current status line which says the earlier fingerprint message...
We are also in the same boat ...

I am silent visitor of this for long time now. My self and my wife cases are pending for AOS. RD is 10/18/2001, EB2 catagory. I just checked my case status online and found the word ... INDENT... is missing.

In my opinion may they have picked up remaining Sep 2001 and bunch of OCT 2001 cases before the audit and assigned to officers. That is why we are seeing the difference.

At the worst scenaroa nothing to worry about like geting rejected etc,.
Status line disappeared

The status line disappeared for me too,
RD: 9/15
ND: 11/10

My hunch is that they had put status information that was not explained propoerly and now they may be working on more user friendly status text messages. Thats just a guess. Seems like the website was done in great haste. The phone number listed is wrong too.

I dont think that it has anything to do with actual processing of case or auditing.

Just my thought, let me know yours...
yup, the status disappeared from me too. ...and AVM is still the same.

Out of all the posted hypotheses, Tanatan's seems to be more realistic.
I think they just deleted the Current Status column from their database


If you think that the missing bold text is a good indication that the case has been assigned to an officer ... think again. :)

Anyways, cheer up guys.i love ur optimism though and you guys have an eye for detail. I couldnt tell the diff till I read the messages in here. Good job guys ....
my case RD is aug 16th 2002 and finger printing were received 2 days back by INS and my message also disappeared . do you think my case is picked by an officer??????????:D
:D :D

If so then i must be very lucky
this is good indication, INS is going through the 2002 cases so fast?

Aug 16th, 2002 RD has already done their finger printing - quite impressive!