One year of experience only and diploma in business no chance or not ?


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Hi I am under OPT right now , I am working for a company everything is fine and they are talking about to sponsor me within few months .
I am not working in a high tech or science field and I have less of year of experience .. I have a very general diploma in business ( Management with emphasis in human resource) and it is only a Bachelor degree.

According to what I have seen on this website and from my experience most of the people who apply for a H1B are experimented with several years of work and are working in science and high tech fields.

I am wondering if my profile has good chance of success to get this visa ?
Just your opinion or personal experience would be very helpful already .

Thank you very much .

8 CFR 214.2
(B) An H–1B classification applies to an alien who is coming temporarily to the United States:

( 1 ) To perform services in a specialty occupation (except agricultural workers, and aliens described in section 101(a)(15) (O) and (P) of the Act) described in section 214(i)(1) of the Act, that meets the requirements of section 214(i)(2) of the Act, and for whom the Secretary of Labor has determined and certified to the Attorney General that the prospective employer has filed a labor condition application under section 212(n)(1) of the Act; {This is the one you want.}

( 2 ) To perform services of an exceptional nature requiring exceptional merit and ability relating to a cooperative research and development project or a coproduction project provided for under a Government-to-Government agreement administered by the Secretary of Defense;

( 3 ) To perform services as a fashion model of distinguished merit and ability and for whom the Secretary of Labor has determined and certified to the Attorney General that the prospective employer has filed a labor condition application under section 212(n)(1) of the Act.

(4) Petition for alien to perform services in a specialty occupation, services relating to a DOD cooperative research and development project or coproduction project, or services of distinguished merit and ability in the ield of fashion modeling (H–1B) —
(A) Types of H–1B classification. An H–1B classification may be granted to an alien who:

( 1 ) Will perform services in a specialty occupation which requires theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge and attainment of a baccalaureate or higher degree or its equivalent as a minimum requirement for entry into the occupation in the United States, and who is qualified to perform services in the specialty occupation because he or she has attained a baccalaureate or higher degree or its equivalent in the specialty occupation;

( 2 ) Based on reciprocity, will perform services of an exceptional nature requiring exceptional merit and ability relating to a DOD cooperative research and development project or a coproduction project provided for under a Government-to-Government agreement administered by the Secretary of Defense;

( 3 ) Will perform services in the field of fashion modeling and who is of distinguished merit and ability.


SEE: Look up the specific job being offered.


My biggest concern are that I am not a worker that need the US according to the immigration .
The US need lots of engineer although they trained millions of guys in the business related field , I am afraid that my appication would be deny because I am not working in a specific field even though a company wants to sponsor me.
But thank for the link it is interesting still .