One more name change case hold released


Registered Users (C)
Talked to an IIO who was also very nice and polite.
Mentioned that case has been sent to an officer on Jun19
IIO said I will hear with 3 weeks. IIO also told me that this
officer who is looking at my case is a very nice and efficient

So I got a good IIO and the case has been assigned to a good
officer. BTW I had to hold only for 10 minutes

Hope our luck has changed (from very bad to very good)

Details follows
PD jun 98 eb2 (always current from the day we filed)
RD Aug 99
ND Sep 99
FP Aug 00 (was the last to get FP notice)
Case assigned to officer on Dec 00
Was reviewed for 5 month and then put on hold
Reassigned to officer Jun 19
Approval Date (guess) Jun 22

BTW we also filed 140 redo on Jun 1
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Hi Shraddha,
      It is a very good news for you as well as for us. Hope the hold on all company name change cases is released. I will also call INS tomorrow and let you know my case status.

     My best wishes and prayers to get approval(s) soon.

   Thanks for sharing your information.
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I just got off the phone with VSC. My case was put on HOLD for the past 5 months due to the company name change. I was advised by my attorney not to file an ammended I-140. Please dont ask me why. I dont know what he was thinking. Anyway, I was just informed by the IIO that my case has been re-opened as of the 19th (2 days ago).

I\'ve started to see some light at the end of the tunnel.

Good luck to all of us.