One more crap from NYT

Why do you think its a crap?

Though I am not either an indian or pakistani, I found it very interesting eye opening article. I dont think its a crap. Its an excellent article and truth always speaks loud.
I dont think its crap

The butchers are winning.
"Hindutva" may be different from "Hinduism"... yeah right!

Just because our religion had been tortured in the past doesnt mean we should go back for revenge. That makes us no different from those in the caves of afghanisthan! We are better. We should learn to forgive. We dont have to go back in history ... but look forward.

BJP/RSS is not the answer.
Your name suggests who you are. You can see only butchers of Gujraat but you don't see butchers of J & K who killed 200000 Hindus. You don't those your ancestor butchers who killed millions of hindus over last 10 centuries. Don't spend your time here. Just go and register. Your queue is big.

Hi JQuake, I'm not going to change your mind or try to convince you of anything but just be aware of one thing . . .

Not everyone on this board shares your opinion.

I cannot resist myself in denouncing your vituperative language.
I read the said article completely and I didn't find anything objectionable in it. Criticising BJP/RSS does not mean criticising India. Even for that matter even if someone criticises India, I don't mind as long as the criticism is valid.
In fact, I can smell a smack of fascism in your wordings. To quote you "Also we have deal with our fellow indians first who write stuff like this." . It shows your intolerant attitude towards the dissenting voice which is nothing but fascism.
Secondly, I want to set right your false information. Mind you the total population of Srinagar valley hardly exceeds 50 lakhs( 5 million). And Kashmiri Hindus are hardly 1.5 lakhs(0.15). Govt. claims that 40,000 people are being killed. The majority of them (more than 3/4) are Indian Muslims(i.e. Kashmiri Muslims). Non-muslims includes Hindus, christians and Sikhs and foreign nationals.

mr. Jquack

Have you EVER posted a single immigration related post?

All of your posts are totally biased.

If you are so dissatisfied with Christianity/Islam, why do you live here? Why dont you go back and join some Ashram? Why are you in line for a greencard in a Christian dominated country? Just go back if you dont like what you see.

You keep doing this and you will suffer the same fate as Indiatoday!

Thank you
Well, first of all the forum is not for this purpose. By posting this kind of message one made the mistake. By saying the article eye opening other people increased the intensity of the first one. And then some people start talking like a mediator (e.g me).

Are we going anywhare from here?

Not everything which is written in these kind of articles is true and not everything is crap. These are like movie stories one needs to be hero and another has to be Vilain. Some properties are added in order to make them look real visible. So please take them as it is and don't think they will make any effect on the truth!!

It is by no means an eye opening and not every thing is a crap. The guy who wrote this article is one of us. He might have some motive, objective apart from his own perspective behind his writing.

Please let this forum be just for immigration purpose discussion.

Let me assure everybody that I am not going to post in this thread after this post.


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