One last question before I apply for citizenship today.. HELP!


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I am getting ready to file my N-400 tomorrow I have just one more question before I do..
I just remembered when I applied to remove conditions on my green card- I-751 that was in 2010
My ex husbands taxes were all filed as single.(While we were married) We submitted those tax returns together with other things as evidence and proof of our ongoing marriage. And to my surprise I was still approved for my 10 year GC.
We were not divorced or anything just that taxes were not filed right. I don't know if they overlooked it but I got my 10 year GC with no interview.
Should I worry about this affecting my naturalization?
Also how many tax years do I need to include in my application N-400?
Filing 5 year rule..
PS: not together anymore with ex-husband whom I got green card through.

Many thanks
Did you file your own tax returns for the years when he filed as single while married to you? If yes, what status did you choose -- single, or married-separately?
He filed it for me..
He filed single.. And that was 2010 returns.
He even has his name signed as preparer etc..
Yes I know it's my responsibility.
I hope they don't ask me for that much... (Praying) 2011,12,13 will do.
I owe no taxes, never been arrested, no tickets, stayed here continuously etc..
Anyway supposing I get denied for that, they ask me from that far and I get denied what can I do to reapply and how long can I reapply again?
Am so bummed..
If your tax return was filed as single for a year when you were married, it was incorrectly done and could result in you owing taxes when it is amended to married-separately or jointly.

You need to file an amended return, and pay the tax owed if the amendment results in an increase in your tax bill.
So how do I go about it before I submit my application?
Should I submit my application or wait to do that before I do?
I really don't want to get denied and have to wait 5 years just for this silly mistake.
The first step is to recalculate the tax as married-separately (I assume your ex-husband won't cooperate to file the amendments as married-jointly, so I won't discuss that option).

If the result is an equal or lower tax bill than the return for which you incorrectly filed as single, you can truthfully answer NO to the question about owing overdue taxes, and file the N-400 right away. Then you can work on filing the amended return in the months leading up to the interview.

But if the result is a higher tax bill, you should file an amended return and pay the difference before filing the N-400.

Note that you don't have to send any tax returns with the N-400 if it's based on the 5-year rule; bring them to the interview, and show them only if necessary.

However, before you do any of the above, review the rules for filing as married vs. single (see and double-check whether it was legitimate for you to file as single for the tax year(s) of concern, based on when you got divorced or legally separated. Legal separation may allow you to file as single before the divorce is finalized. If filing as single was legitimate for the relevant year(s), you have nothing to worry about as far as that is concerned.
So I submitted my N-400 application and the waiting game begins..
In the meantime I have something else bothering me I hope you can help me with.
As I am divorced and remarried, my maiden name was AB CEE and my married name became EE FFF
When I got divorced I did not change my last name it was still FFF. My passport now had an endorsement stamp in it which says
AB CEE is also known as EE FFF and that was when I got my GC.
Now here is where I am confused and don't know hat what to make of it..
Since I just got married the name on my marriage certificate which is from another country reads my name AB CEE
My purpose of naturalization is to petition for my husband to come and join me.
Will my marriage certificate be acceptable? What kinds of problems will I face when I submit his petition?
The reason I have CEE and not FFF on my marriage certificate I guess it's the name that's in my passport and what I used to register
To get married. Do I have to contact a lawyer about this or just any help is appreciated..