One day Passport from DC or other agencies?


Registered Users (C)
There are few folks in this board including me wants to know whether anyone has any experience to obtain US passport in 1 day by making an appointment and going personally to DC or Miami or Houston or other agencies. If you know someone who has done it recently then please post his/her expeirence. I am really in desparate situation where I have to travel 4 working days after getting Nat Certificate. I want to get it done myself.
Passport in one day?

Me too, I am still waiting to hear from our folks out there if anyone has gotten the passport in a day or two. I am planning to go to Houston on the 21st with an appoinment for the passport and once I get it I will apply for the Indian visa at the counter right there, get it done and head back home. If anyone has ungergone this process please post your experience.

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Looks like we are only two who are going through this situation for the first time. Have you talked to USCIS Customer Service to find out whether Houston can do it in one day?
Passport in a day.

Hi Hidimba,
Yes, I just talked to a coustomer service. He said if we had the appointment in the morning we would get the passport in the evening only on production of airtickets/itinerary or employer's letter that you would be travelling.
Hi guys!!!!!!
I am in the same boat as Hidimba. I am traveling 6 days (4 business days) after my ceremony. I called National Passport Agency Hotline and was told that I could get passport issued same day if proving departure date(ticket , printed itinerary). However what made me kind of worried was that I was told that there is no guarantee that I could get an appointment between my Oath Ceremony and departure date.
Also you can only use automated scheduling system 14 days in advance of your depature otherwise (more than 14 days even just day more) system will transfer you to a representative and won't let you schedule an appointment . So I guess wait for excatly 2 weeks before your trip and hope to get an appointment within desired time frame.
Good Luck!!!!!!

Don't loose your hope. As you can see only 3 people are in this boat among all the people visit this site. So there is very good chance that you will make the appointment. But what I hear that you will loose one day for passport and one day for Visa. If your boss is flexible then you are good to go.

Did you find out whether you can do your Indian VISA from DC? I know it will take another day.
I wont be going to DC for Indian Visa.
I try to get everything done in HOuston, get the passport and apply for visa right there.
TAGA and Antonio2,

Just to let you know that I got my passport and Indian visa today. I got Nat. Cert on Monday. I went through an agent.

Now I am relaxed and I will be able to go India as schedule. Hurrah.

Good luck to you guys.
Which Passport Agent

Which agency did you use for getting the passport and visa in 2 days?
I am in Detroit.
Thank you and have a good and safe trip Hidimba.
I was able to schedule an appointment same day as my Oath Ceremony (6 hours later). So I guess I am hopefully in a good shape since I am traveling 5 days after my ceremony. So they'll be able to issue my passport within these 5 days.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Good Luck Taga
Does anyone know if there is a passport agency in the New York City area (not post office or county office type)? Thanks.