On-line status not updated after FP half a year


Registered Users (C)
My wife and I did FP more than half a year, but on-line status is still the vry original one "Your application ...was received on......". I called FBI and was told the result was sent to BCIS the same we did FP. My lawyer wrote a letter to NCS 4 months ago but still no response. My concern is that BCIS didn't make a record of the result from FBI. Anybody ahs the same problem? and any suggestions?

no worry. I did it 11 months past and no update online.
seems to me some got update after FP and some may
not get till approval of i-485.
Thank you, yager.

I have the same prolem on I140 too. I received its approval notice in Feb. but even now the message is still the very original one"we received your application on.....". I am not sure if these messages affect the further process of 485.
Originally posted by getit
My wife and I did FP more than half a year, but on-line status is still the vry original one "Your application ...was received on......". I called FBI and was told the result was sent to BCIS the same we did FP. My lawyer wrote a letter to NCS 4 months ago but still no response. My concern is that BCIS didn't make a record of the result from FBI. Anybody ahs the same problem? and any suggestions?


Lucky you! Your lawyer is from a rare breed that actually thinks that s/he has to earn her/his fees by inquirinig about the status of your application. You may have stumbled upon the last remnants of a species that folks here believed to be extinct. Would you care to disclose the identity of this blacksheep of the profession?

The only normal way to find out if BCIS has your prints on record is to call them and ask. If you are lucky, you may be able to work your way through the moribund outer layer and get someone to actually respond to your query. If you fall short in your attempt, a lawsuit in federal court is your only recourse. There is always the 'do nothing' option, of course.
My FP status was NEVER updated. I have since got my case approved and received plastic card. So there is nothing to worry about. The approval info and the card status info were updated however.

I agree with Sankrityayan.

I have done my FP twice, the 2nd one was 4 months back. Online message was/is never updated.

The problem is when you call BCIS service center to get FP record, it doesn't help. They know nothing except the same message as what we know.
I moved ...

.. and caled in a cahnge of addess to the NCSC ... I spoke to a very pleasant lady who did all the CoA formalities and advised that I send in the AR-11 forms.

less than 36 hours later, my online status was updated with "FP received and processing resumed" message ... It makes me wonder if there is a connection between my address change and status change...

Whatever will be will be

PS: Since the online status update, I have received written confirmations from BCIS that says that the address updated has been effected on all our files and another package containing AR-11 forms.

Hope this helps!!
10 months ans still FP not updated

RD Feb 19,02
ND Mar 8, 02
FP in Nov, 02
Mine FP was taken in November last year, still AVM says for me
"Your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status was received on ....."

On the contrary wife's FP updated???
AVM says
"On November ...... the results of your fingerprint review for your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status were received"