On bench during LC


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I have a friend who has just been benched. He is still in the LC phase without approval as yet. Is there any way for him to work elsewhere legally. Also, what will this mean for the future 485....

Ideally, LC and GC is for a furture Job. You dont even need to be employed with the sponsoring company. So during the LC it should not be a problem if he is on the bench. He cannot work elsewhere based on the LC petion he has filed.
Need valid status, though

LC application has nothing to do with the current status. Your friends needs other valid status to legally stayed in the US.

If he was working before, he is likely to be on H1B, which does not allow benching. In that case, the best he can do is to find a new job ASAP and transfer H1B to the new job.
Most Probably your Friend won't have a Problem as he is in LC Stage and it will be a Long Journey till the Service Center Sends him an RFE After Filing the 485 Application for (W2's and Tax Copies) for 3 years as they do now and hopefully he will have all of them without any mismatch with LC mentioned Salary.