Oldtimers please respond


Registered Users (C)
Oldtimers (RD/ND on or before Oct 2001), please respond/share if you have not recived 2nd FP and any RFE.

RD OCT 2001
Originally posted by jaykarandikar
I had 2nd FP / RFE done with in June / July time frame.

Nothing after that.

Happy New Year everybody, btw !

Yep; the hapy new year thing is always btw! Good to see you around although it is also not too good in a way.:)
thanks sankrit,

I actually relocated from orlando to memphis in first week of november, and was busy settling down for a while. Then I decided not to spoil my holiday mood by checking my status and checking here.
Guys please do not get me wrong and congrats to all those approved, but I really get depressed when I see folks from 02 approved and nothing happening on my front.

In dec I tried getting in touch with senators - nothing happened. I was hoping sth would happen if I reported my address change / aplied for 3rd EAD .. but nothing has happened . :)

cmr, yeah, I too have no idea what to do next. Lets continue hanging in there. At least the nasdaq breached 2 K !
Second FP - Yes, RFE - No

RD: 9/13/01
ND: 10/16/01
FP2: 11/24/03

As I have recounted in these annals earlier, my second fingerprinting call was the result of a visit to the congressman's office.

Still waiting for approval.
Re: Second FP - Yes, RFE - No

Originally posted by norfesept01
RD: 9/13/01
ND: 10/16/01
FP2: 11/24/03

As I have recounted in these annals earlier, my second fingerprinting call was the result of a visit to the congressman's office.

Still waiting for approval.

Have you tried subsequently to obtain the status of your application from the congressman?
We got our 2nd FP done in September 03 and replied to the latest RFE in Aug 03. Sent a mail to the senator in the month of December 03, but still haven't got any response from his office. So I guess will have to wait and wait and wait, nothing else can be done. WE too have been postponing our visit to India since long time.

RD : Oct 01
ND : Nov 01
still waiting ...

Am in the same boat. Have been following up with the local
senator's office, will talk to a Jane tomorrow, with our case
details. My boss - also our company's CEO, took a look at me today, and said that if I do not get it by end of this month, he will put me under therapy :).

RD 12/14/01
It so happened, that today I got the 2nd FP notice. Allthough am glad, for some traction on my case, however given the progress in NSC, not very optimistic.

Karandikar bhau,
in my case it is possible that address change triggered the 2nd FP, as my wife did recieve a notice confirming address change, however I recvd only the finger printing notice on my new address. (Wife's fingerprints are not expired yet)

Tryin' to live peacefully with EAD. Used AC21 twice (in either case it was my choice to change job), and moreover moved out of NSC area.

RD Oct 01
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redforgreen, I am glad to hear cases like yours where folks have gone ahead and used AC21.

I have been contemplating a similar move, since I work for a desi contracting/services company.

Lets hope things move faster for all of us.
Old timer with a new twist in the case!

My RD is not Oct, but it's 2001 nonetheless.

I also just got an interesting development and I'm not sure how it would affect my case -- delay it even more or maybe force BCIS to actually look at it and speed it up. I got married in November and took my husband's last name. My lawyer sent BCIS a letter along with my marriage certificate notifying them of the name change and asking to issue the GC in my married name. I doubt BCIS will update anything on-line or send me any receipts, since it's not their 'regular' application. It might confuse them even more, who knows...
I suspect that some of the older cases that keep surfacing here (say, from before Sep.) have fallen through the cracks of the ever-changing INS/DHS/FBI/CIA systems, especially during the many security checks that are carried out. I read somewhere that cases are submitted to the FBI/CIA in batches regularly, maybe once or twice every week. Out of each such batch submitted by the INS for security verification, about 3-5% do not clear the initial reviews, and the ones that do not clear tend to get neglected and pile up (the effort/reward in continuing to work on these is rather unattractive to the agencies involved). Few effective follow-up mechanisms exist to ensure that these limbo cases continue to be processed. If we remove our rose-colored glasses and look at the situation dispassionately, there seem to be few systemic incentives for the INS to reconnect the inter-agency links with respect to these missing files.

Accordingly, there appears to be only two ways of dealing effectively with this situation:
1: Have a sympathetic Senator/Congressperson follow-up (just a cursory call that results in the stock security check response should be regarded as a red-herring)
2. Join the lawsuit that has been filed by Rajiv (there is nothing better than the prospect of visibility to higher-ups of one's ineptitude to clear the fog in the mind of a bureaucrat)

In the absense of such action, the odds that somebody from within this moribund system would accidentally discover a pending file, and reinitiate processing of the same, keep receding with time. Where the system has failed, we have to find a way to help ourselves!
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Re: Re: Second FP - Yes, RFE - No

Originally posted by Sankrityayan
Have you tried subsequently to obtain the status of your application from the congressman?

You betcha. I'm on their case like a hound at a fox hunt. I went back to the Rep's Office a week after my second fingerprinting, and after corroboration from the FBI that they had forwarded my fingerprinting report to the BCIS. That's when the voice at the other end told the face at my end that I should check back with them if I did not hear from them in 30 days. The 30 days expired on New Year's day and I e-mailed the lady with the face yesterday to follow up with the voice at the other end. If I don't hear from her in a day or so, I intend to go look her up again.
Update - Damp Squib

Originally posted by norfesept01
....If I don't hear from her in a day or so, I intend to go look her up again.

I decided to call. The lady was both polite and convivial, but said she hadn't followed up yet. We exchanged some inane banter and she said she would call me back when she had had a chance to do so.

She then called back about an hour later to tell me that the NSC was processing cases filed on or before 8/27/01 and that while everything was good to go on our cases (name check, fingerprints etc.), the files were waiting for an officer to look at them. That irritated the heck out of me as the last time around she had said that the cases were being assigned to an officer. She said that the BCIS was taking cases in chronological sequence and that irritated me further. Based on all the knowledge I have gained on these fora, I started a stupid, pointless and losing debate about the fact that they were not, which irritated the heck out of her.

We agreed that she would follow up periodically, and that I would follow up with her in two weeks to remind her to do so.

I'm not so sure if it's a good idea anymore. Any one know a good and painless method for slashing one's wrists? :)
senator's office

Have been playing telephone tags with a Jane for the last 2 days,
she works for the Senator here. Have prepared a writeup on the details of our cases, including the evidence from rupnet and the aila.org statistics (which shows the processing dates have not moved past Aug 2001 from Dec. 2002 till Dec. 2003).

I don't think the Janes of these offices have the capability to understand the fallacy behind the USCIS's workings. My plan is to work with her first, then escalate upwards.

RD 12/14/01
cmr and/or jaykarandikar,

Would you mind posting your letter to the senator? I reached the point when I'm ready to contact my senator too (Colorado). I just need to figure out what's the best way to plead my case.

Thanks, guys!
Thanks a lot, cmr!

I'm a little surprised though that you use all the BCIS lingo in the letter, like RD, ND, I-485, etc. Would the senator's office know what you are talking about? I was thinking that I gotta explain what's happening with the GC applications nowadays and how everything works and where my case is in relation to that.
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does any one know who is the senator to cotact from Minnesota. I applied for my 485 from Minneapolis. I fall into Dec 2001 category.
russin, I did not fax , I spoke to the immigartion "liasons" of the two senators from Tennesse, and gave the details.

cmr's letter will be helpfull though.

I was thinking today however, that with so many of us around (2nd FPs - not approved sort), someone may notice our cases and resume working on those.