Oldest case in TSC?


Registered Users (C)
I'm starting to feel like an old-timer here. :eek: Check my signature for details.

Who has the oldest case in TSC on this forum?
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I guess I'm moving into the old pile as well...started March 2000...

ND: May 2002
FP: ???
No...ur not alone. My friend is waiting from March ND/RD. He did his FP in 06/03......I am also waiting from 06/02ND : FP 06/03.........

Don't worry our time will come soon
curiousGeorge said:
I'm starting to feel like an old-timer here. :eek: Check my signature for details.

Who has the oldest case in TSC on this forum?

u not alone and u not the last one waiting buddy.... hang on there the frustration will end...

Thanks everyone. I never thought I was the oldest, but my case is starting to get a bit dusty. :rolleyes:

What I really want to know is who IS the oldest case?

rchaw's case is pretty old. Is there any older ones on the TSC forum?
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Don't know whether I could be counted in, since my case got transferred in Aug 2004. I-485 ND Jan 03, 2002. AD?
Yes I agree the US immigration system can be extremely illogical sometimes. Sometimes its best not to try to understand the reasoning behind some of the inconsistencies that we all see every day with this damned-to-all-hell of an agency. :confused: (by the way the selection of Smiles are located on the right side of the page that shows up after you click on the blue "Post Reply" button. Not to be confused with the "Post Quick Reply" button, or the "Submit Reply" button) I don't think they're laughing at me back home, but they are defintely laughing at how the US thinks they have this great system for keeping terrorists from getting green cards, yet terrorists usually won't be the ones trying to get green cards in the first place. :D

Well you're in TSC now, so you might just be a contender for the postition, if no one else steals it away from you. :( By the way, which center did you get transferred from? Did you file a change of address?
cna I stake claim for the oldest case in TSC on this forum?


Maybe I can stake claim for the oldest cASE IN tsc ON THIS FORUM!

RD 12/7/2001
ND 12/7/2001

no further news yet!

Add me to the list. ND 4/12/02, FP 6/03. Tried everything, sending letters/fax + contacting Congressman/Senator's office, still nothing.
OK, pri_date12_01 is the oldest we're found so far. No fingerprints either. I feel for you buddy.

Anybody else willing to fight for the crown?

We should make this fun and give the oldest person a virtual "badge" of sorts, who is considered the oldest case. That person can wear that badge until they get approved, and then we can all celebrate with them! Then we could have this ceremony all over again to detemine who should wear the badge. Sort of like a Miss America of oldest I-485 cases. :D At least that person will have our support during the his/her long wait.
What I hate most is the unfairness. I have friends filed 1 year after me and already got approved, I am happy for them, but I just hate TSC for processing cases without even look at the line, even 2 years old understand what means first come first serve, I just can't put a logic to TSC's action.

ND: May 2002
FP: nobody knows...
May be i'm a winner

RD Aug 2001
ND Sep 2001
Send job change notice (AC21) Jan 2003
FP Jun 2003
July 2004 received letter from INS "your case has been forwarded to supervisor for review" blah blah blah
Special registration country, not sure if it matters
First off, thanks for joining the forum, and your maiden post!

You may just get the crown.....unfortunately. Keep us informed if you get approved, your case is way overdue. You should try sending a fax to TSC informing them that your fingerprints are about to expire.
Curious George,
Thanks for the sympathy! its funny how subconcsious works. Your post included "Keep us informed if you get approved" I was thinking more in line of "when approved" not "if approved":)
Thats really long, do you have any special issues with yr case, AC21, SR, or even address change? did you try 800 inquiry faxing TSC or contacting senator congresman?