Old FBI Fingerprint


New Member
Does anybody knows for how long the FBI fingerprint is good to submit to Buffalo office before it expire?

Texancanadian, Do you know the website link for the validity of FBI fingerprint to Canadian immigration? I think it’s only good for six months, I may be wrong.
All criminal record checks including RCMP, PCC from home country and FBI records carry a validity of six months and that is the reason Canadian Immigration wants FBI fingerprints to be submitted only when asked for (at the very end of your petition) however Its at their discretion to ask for revalidation beyound validity period.
Is the FBI fingerprint valid for six month or one year for Canadian immigration purposes, anybody with reliable source?
To my knowledge, FBI is valid for 6 months. But then again for some cases if application is just about to be approved and FBI expires, they will not request from you again. If you submited your FBI and State clearance report with your application, and if case is not going anywhere and clearance reports expired or just about to expire you can order it again. Why? Because if immigration requests again you will have it right there on hand and can mail it right away.
You also need to be aware that nowadays it takes up to 12 weeks to get FBI clearance report, so order it early because you do not want to wait.
You do not need to provide FBI with your ID number if you do not have it. All you need to do is tell them that it is for Canadian Immigration Purposes.
All the best!