Old Case Approved


Registered Users (C)
Thanks God! I just called INS & heard APPROVED!
Mine is an old case and probably I am the last one to get approved in March 01 thread:

WAC 01-127
RD: 2-12-01
ND: 3-12-01
FP: 9-5-01
REF: 1-2-02 3 paystubs + employment letter
REF Replied: 1-21-02
Approved: 3-11-02

Thanks to everybody contributing this wonderful site. I know some of you get frustrated everyday waiting for approval, don\'t lose hope, sooner it will be your turn!
Congrats !!! RFE Question?

BIG Congrats !!!!
Nice to hear your case approved. Can you let us know when did INS changed their AVM regarding they received your RFE response. In your message you mentioned your reply RFE on 01/21/02. My case is also RFE case & INS received my RFE response on 02/28. your reply may give us idea how long it takes to approve RFe case. Thanks !!
Good Luck in future....
AVM msg did not change after replying REF

last time I checked the AVM (3/4/02) & it was still the same old msg "On Jan 2 we have mailed you a REF (something like that) .........." Yesterday night I checked the message again and it has changed "This case has been approved ....... notice has been mailed to you ...... (something like that)" Actually I have seen some people on this board saying the AVM updated very quickly after they sent in their replies & they got approvals in about 2 weeks. But some others they did not get the AVM changed but they received the approval letters from mail. So I don\'t know how INS works on the REF reply. Anyway, once I get my approval letter I will go get the stamp. I am living in Milpitas and I think I will go SF to get the stamp since most people get good experience from there.
Just spoke to IIO regarding an old case

Hi, My case:
WAC: 01-137 xxxx
RD: Mar. 01,
RFE receivd by INS (fingerprint fee): June 01
FP done: Feb. 02

Just talked to IIO, NOT helpful at all. She said "just pending". I asked whether the background check is done, she asked " what background? we received sth. from FBI early FEB. but don\'t know what is it, probably FP". I asked " the case has been assigned to officer?" She said "no". So frustrating, what should I do guys. people in this forum said calling too many times may trigger delaying of the case. So what should I do, keep waiting? Fax inquiry has to be beyond JIT time, right? current JIT time is 01/01/01. Pls advise, thanks.