Ohio SESA Tracker

OK - here is some info. for you all..

My application was filed on Jan 17, 2003....and ODJFS is currently reviewing my application.

The lawyers office told me that they received a notice from ODJFS today requesting my employer's UC number, which is the Unemployment compensation number. The lawyers office is saying that this is just a preliminary procedure and means that they are actually in the process of reviewing my application.

Anyone heard of anything like this....??

Any other updates? Come on people.....write back.....
thanks pinkyponky

actually it must be some simple question about your company. since it had nothing to do specifically on your details right, so I would be cool about it. I would still recommend posting this question on some of the most active threads ...like for other states. Out thread is very slow....so the other guys will definetely be helpful...

I got an NOF

Not lucky. still discussing with my lawyer about the response.
Big issue is to prove the recruiting efforts.
damn lawyer did not process the applicant's resume and did not attach them to the LC material.
what kind of problem is this

sorry about the mess...don't worry everything will be allright.

well I am not sure if my lawyer sent my resume to this office for labor..is it necessary to send our resume too???

whose resume did'nt lawyer process?? are you in RIR or regular...please tell ??
I am not sure.

It is a RIR case.
Applicants' Resumes should be processed and attached. ..Tbis was done by my first lawyer...When second lawyer took over the case, he apparently did not do.

any updates imlucky on your case. I am not sure if my employer sent my resume along with the application. he told me that there is no real defined procedure for labor application.....it could be jus t those officers seeking more information....is that right ?

Please post updates

This thread has been silent. I also would like to wish all of you happy new year, hope this year will fulfill all your dreams.

wage level

my LC was submitted to OH SESA Feb 2003 (RIR), and my wage is above the level for 2003. However I checked today and the 2004 wage level is above my wage. Do SESA base on the year the LC was applied or the current year it's being reviewed?

Pls advice.
hey how do you check the number

can you please explain? No SESA will not object, it is the number only when you applied. I am sure of this, another friend of mine also confirmed through his lawyer. you are cool.


Please post some information, our thread has been silent for a long time. If you have received any queries or how you handled your query and any response from them regarding that....


Why are you in Computer related field??

very funny....from another thread.....

Why are you in Computer related field??

Do Lawn Mowing if you want to get Greencard

Philly case no

03400300 recvd Dec 8, 03 Approved Dec 10, 03
03400301 recvd Dec 8, 03 Approved Dec 15, 03
03400302 recvd Dec 8, 03 Approved Dec 10, 03

All these cases have DOT code of
408.687-014 LABORER, LANDSCAPE (agriculture)

Moves soil, equipment, and materials, digs holes, and performs related duties to assist LANDSCAPE GARDENER (agriculture) 408.161-010 in landscaping grounds: Digs holes for plants and trees, using pick and shovel. Mixes fertilizer or lime with dirt in bottom of holes to enrich soil, places plants or trees in holes, and adds dirt to fill holes. Attaches wires from planted trees to stakes to support trees. Hauls or spreads topsoil, using wheelbarrow and rake. Waters lawns, trees, and plants, using portable sprinkler system, hose, or watering can. Spreads straw over seeded soil to prevent movement of seed and soil. Builds forms for concrete borders, using lumber, hammer, and nails. Mixes and pours cement for garden borders. Places decorative stones and plants flowers in garden areas. Mows lawns, using power mower.

GOE: 03.04.04 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 2
DLU: 81

I guess they work in whitehouse
When to start advertising

My Labor was filed in Feb, 2003. Mine is a non-RIR case. The current processing time is July 2002. I was told that about 6 months before my case comes up, the authorities would inform my company that they can start advertising for the position.

Is this true? So given the current backlog, my case is about 7 months behind. Does this mean they will ask us to start advertising in March '04? And does that mean i wont be hearing anything about my LC till after September '04?

Lots of questions. I'll appreciate it if somebody can answer these queries.

Thanks in advance.
