Oh God, what have I done

apologize and continue on job

Mistake is human, don\'t ruin your life without job in this market.
First get stamped and then after some time when tempers cool down and all forget about all dosa incidents, get out and find job where you like.
But I don\'t like you being so aggressive enough rising your own temper all that for a dosa. You need to correct yourself.
Face it

Sorry to hear about your dosa. The question is if you know that you keep losing your food, why inthe world you keep putting in the fridge as supposed to put it in your drawer? You got what you want (the GC) and still have the job to support your family, why losing a small food takes away your hapiness of you new life. Face it and enjoy your life now. Be happy.....
Get the PP stamped immediately

The first thing you should do is to get your PP stamped if you did not already do it.
Second, if I were you I would apologize to both your manager and colegue (mind you, it is not a question of whoose Dosa it is but it is a question of you being civil at work place).
Third, don\'t resign. Let them fire you, or stick with the job for at least 3 months (some say 6 months, consult an attorney to get a better picture).

Good luck

PS: This is my opinion only and not an advice.
Thanks Guys,

I\'ll take today and tommorrow off and go get stamp in PP
using courtesy copy.
Then I will face the music.

It is very easy to judge people and say it was
just a dosa, but the dosa was the last straw.
I mean, the amount of screwing over of people
that goes on is amazing in the U.S.

I came to realize that because of capitalisim
you get paid just enough so that you don\'t leave
the organization. No where is there reward for hard
work in the equation. I see it every day, where great
engineers (not me) are not given increments because
company knows they don\'t have to pay them extra.
Whereas as GC and citizens can walk out at any time
so are paid more and pandered to.
I think ..

you should order more dosa\'s from some crappy indian restaurant and keep it in the refrigerator. Make sure you put the magic powder in it. Allow everybody to have it. When they run to the rest room tell them this is how you felt during the whole process of the greencard ...
Ha Ha Ha Ha

Am sorry dude but that was the most amusing thread to date.
On a more sombre note you acted like a fool and the only way to
save face is to go back and apologize for your behaviour.
As for the Green Card if you are approved you dont need to worry
about losing the Card or the employer taking it from you.

Best of luck
Why can\'t we ignore such posts

Guys, I believe the moment you read a post you can make out how serious the poster is. If you start responding to these posts I am
sure we are going to loose the sites intrest. Please do not even
write a single word for such posts.
funny stuff

This thread is hilarious!!!
It definitely brings out the lighter side of this green-card-or-bust dilemma that we all face.

Here\'s my 2c:

If this is a joke, its pretty funny!
If this is real, ask your manager if he\'d be okay with you sleeping with his wife. After all, a team that "works together should also fornicate together!"

I think you\'re worrying too much about your green card being rescinded. If you are fired (after getting approval), they cannot take back your green card, as you didn\'t quit voluntarily. Hang back, spend the next few months eating as many dosas as you can, find a new job in due course and stay happy. Above all, enjoy your freedom, and do not continue to be subjugated to the crap "fed" to you by your manager. Feel free to send an email to all those dosa-stealing bastards and call \'em sons-of-bitches. I know I would!!!
No Title

Thank you for those that helped me. I received
my approval notice earlier today and got my stamp

For those of you that offered abuse,
don\'t worry your green cards will come soon.

As I once heard. "Please God, let everyone I know
love me and for those that don\'t turn their heart
around, if you can\'t do that then turn their legs
around so I know them by their limp"
Hilarious- wife sharing concept..!! haha.

Dude you\'re cracking me up with that.. "works together.. feed together.. fornicate together..." concept! Good sense of humor! Although, his manager\'s wife might not like that idea and kick him between his legs where it hurts the most! On the other hand, if she\'s sick of dealing with that manager dude, maybe she\'d elope with this dude! haha.
Anyway, good time-pass! Keep up kiddo\'s! Too bad no one would touch any dosa if I left it in the fridge here at work! I\'m the only desi around! Otherwise I\'d have more excitement in my lunchtime! ;o)