Offer letter format


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,
I was wondering if any of you have a sample offer letter which you can share with me. All I need is a format. My employer is not used to doing CP cases and was wondering what should eb the format for offer letter in case of CP.
Any sample letter,sugegstions.inputs will be very much appreciated

The one posted by rvalla is the best of the 3 sample of employment letters. Use rvalla's template and modify only the job description para of that letter to meet your LC job description. Rest of the wordings try to keep the same!
Job duties description missing

My Job offer letter says all the required things but, it does not say Job duties, instead it says his job duties remain same as specified in I-140.

Will this be acceptable to consulate?

It would simplify a lot of things for you and also for the consular officer if your job duties are describ ed in your employment letter as opposed to stating job duties as per I-140/ LC.

Also make sure the employment letter notary date is less than 30 days old on the date of your cp interview. There is no specific validity around employment letter but the newer the notarized employment the lesser the questions asked at the interview~!
Offer letter- cause for concern.

Company attorney sent this offer letter to HR.
I do feel and agree with you that, not listing job duties is inviting unnecessary trouble.
HR would be bit annoyed with Notarizing again :-(

if you explain to your HR the reason for concern, then i am sure they will understand. In my case i got it notarized 3 times and the third time it came the way i wanted it to be. I would rather trouble the HR folks than leave it for the consular officer @ the consulate to cause problems for you!

It's your choice!!
Thanks for fore warning Kd,

It was quite bit of hassle. Attorney & HR have agreed to get Offer letter. Will get proper offer letter in day or two.
The available formats of the offer letters assume that the candidate is currently with the sponsoring company?

But what if candidate works for a different company than sponsoring one? In my case, i am working in an indian company and my cp is done by us comapny. Is there any format for this?
Please let me know ...

use the same letter format. get the letter on your US company letterhead and instead of "is working" & "is being paid" change the grammatical tense "will start working effective xx/xx/xxxx" and "will be paid" and so on....
Can you tell what kind of answer one should give to the officer during interview if he asks like:
1)"Why don't you work for your petitioner"?
2) Both companies are in US,how come you didn't join the petitioner yet?

In my case I work for a diff US company & my GC is filed from a diff company whom I will join upon approval of my GC. I stay & work in CA & my petitioner is in MA.
Though I very well know that GC's are for future employemtn etc etc but I don't want to turn off the officer syaing that. Rather I would like to knwo what will you say if you were in ym situation and asked the above question during the interview!
Thanks in advance

1)"Why don't you work for your petitioner"?
Answer: More than likely this question will not come up. But if it does...simply say bcoz you currently have your H-1B with company A and on GC approval you will join Company B who is your GC petitioner. This answer plus notarized employment letter from Company B should work for you.

2) Both companies are in US,how come you didn't join the petitioner yet?
Answer: Same as above. H-1B with company A not with company B. But on CP approval say that you will join your peitioner which is company B.

It should not be a problem...
some questions came to mind from above discussion.

...Does it mean that in this scenerio person
can change job from company A to C during CP(or GC)
processing ?
Because the GC application is filed by company B, which
will any way continue.
...also is it a must for the applicant to join company B
after GC approval ?

Does it mean that in this scenerio person
can change job from company A to C during CP(or GC)
processing ?
Answer: Possible but not recommended to avoid confusion.

Because the GC application is filed by company B, which
will any way continue. ...also is it a must for the applicant to join company B after GC approval ?
Answer: Yes, approved gc canddiate has to join within reasonable time and company B has to hire and pay the salary as per LC.