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Off-topic: How do I stop email alerts???


Active Member
Sorry for posting this here, but I wasn't sure where to put it.

How do I get rid of email alerts for threads???? I've turned them off in Settings but I keep getting bombarded with them. Seriously, my inbox is exploding. I've followed the links at the bottom of the emails to 'change alert settings' or whatever they call them, and it tells me that my changes have been saved, but nothing is changing.

I thought I had made a mistake and perhaps mistakenly turned them on again, but nope!

The only ones I've turned on are those that relate to PMs or Profile comments, but I keep getting alerts for each thread I've posted in.

Help!! :(
As default, the settings make you watch too many threads. So you watch those you have posted on or in forums you are watching. This can lead to a lot of emails.

It sounds like you went to preferences and turned off the watch this settings but that only affects what you watch from now on.

Now you need to click forums, watched threads, and forums, watched forums and select the forums or threads you no longer want to watch. Then your email system will relax!

You can turn on watching per thread if you like from that point....
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