October RD - Recd FP Notice


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My RD is October 09, 2001 (EB2, India). I recd my FP notice just today scheduled for September 06, 2002.

Just wondering is it advisable / good idea to go early for FP or should I go on the date scheduled ? Please advise.

Thank you,
Go early

There is no harm in going early and completing the FP. They encourgae it and within a week your FP status will be updated.

I casually went to ASC to find out whether I need to write to INS about reschduling of my wife's FP. She was coming back from India after a week from the schduled day. They told me that it is not required at all and advised me to bring her whenever she comes back.

When I was moving out she asked me are you not giving FP. I said there are 16 more days and I will come on schduled day. She just laughed and asked me to go in and give the FP. Why do you want to come again man? Finish right now.

Thus I gave my FP on Jan 15th instead of Feb 1st and my wife gave it on Feb 8th. My record was updated on Jan 22 and my wife's on Feb 12th.
Yes you can

you deserve to have it done much earlier!

I had my done on the scheduled day. But I heard many people walked in prior to their appointments.

Good luck.
Yes, go early

VSC seems to process OCT RD (for example, at least one case has been transfered to Local INS). Also, May RD has done FP. Why waiting ?
Thank you very much for suggestions..

Hi Guys,
Thank you very much for suggestions..and I will try to go for FP before scheduled date and see what happens. I will update everyone once my FP is done.
Bthiag, I am from Norther VA, not Ohio.
Thanks all again..!
Late FP is good.

Normally FP information are perishable . I guess FP are valid only to certain point of time ( 6 months / 12 months not sure).
Fp processing is parallel and I guess late FP won't be reason for any delay in the overall 485 processing.
In case of any delay in the 485 process after the fp that drags more than the FP validity time you may end up giving FP one more time.I personally know a guy who gave FP more than once. I am not seeing any advantage of preponing the FP.
I did it earlier

I did my FP 2 weeks earlier to the FP notice date. I dont think there will be a problem.
Talked to my lawyer about this

I talked to my lawyer and she discourged me for going early for FP.
She says that she knows people who went for early FP and have been turned away.
Re: Late FP is good.

I'd have to disagree with Iyan --

1. Late FP is NOT good! It could delay your I-485 processing -- that is, if your FP is not ready by the time your case is picked up by an officer, which in your case (Oct/01 RD) is possible if you go on the scheduled date.
2. FP is valid for 12 or 18 months. I can see no reason for a case with Oct/01 RD not being picked up within 6 months.
3. You don't have to listen to your lawyer every time on every matter - especially this time.
4. I AM NOT A LAWYER but a GC waiter who went for early FP...

Originally posted by Iyan
Normally FP information are perishable . I guess FP are valid only to certain point of time ( 6 months / 12 months not sure).
Fp processing is parallel and I guess late FP won't be reason for any delay in the overall 485 processing.
In case of any delay in the 485 process after the fp that drags more than the FP validity time you may end up giving FP one more time.I personally know a guy who gave FP more than once. I am not seeing any advantage of preponing the FP.
well...it am not yet sure what I will do..

My lawyer says it used to be possible but lately things have been disorganized and sometime they are turning people away.
Has anyone gone for early FP in VA, Alexandria in last couple of months ?
Just give it try. Nothing to lose.

I did mine in Alexandria VA (on schedule though) two weeks ago. They did't look so busy.

I know many people who had theirs done much earlier.

Just give it a try. You don't lose anything. If they turn you away, go back on the scheduled day.
Our FP is done in VA, alexandria at the end of march on saturady. But I have seen the people are busy there. May be that day is saturday.