October mailers

No Title


Can you please post your RD, ND and WAC numbers for tracking purpose? Also call your attorney and find out if they applied for your EAD or not! If they applied then you should get your EAD receipt too along with every thing else. If they applied they should be in a position to check and see if your check is cashed or not.

Please add my info

I sent my I-485 on Oct 17, 2001. still did not receive the notice. please add my info to the list.
No Title

My MD is Oct 13th.My lawyer didn\'t send me the receipt date,but the number is WAC -02-040-xxxxx.They have sent the EAD application too.But some how they didn\'t get the number for that.Just now i talked to her,she said that they are anticipating in this week.I am littlebit worried about that.I have sent a mail to the lawyer regarding the receipt date.if i\'ll here from her ,\'ll let you know.
I got my EAD receipt too today.For all of them the receipt date is Oct 15th.

so the MD is oct 13th
 RD-Oct 15th
ND-Nov 15th
To get Interiem EAD and also regarding FP

Can we go and get interim EAD directly from the local ins office.I live in paloalto.in bay area which one is the nearest one and when we should go.The receipt date is Oct 15th.so we can go after jan 15th.If anyone have any info on that please let me know.
And also regarding FP my lawyer told me that they have sent the check for $25.So when can i expect the date for FP(Usually howlong will it take).
Receipt recv by lawyer

AOS, AP and EAD receipt recved both for me and spouse,
mailing date 10/22
WAC # 02-043
don\'t know about the exact RD/ND, or when the lawyer recved,
got the info from the lawyer\'s website.
got the receipts!

Lawyer just recd. the recpts. Here are the details:
MD: 10/18, RD:10/19, ND: 11/19. WAC-02-042. Now the wait for the FP notice begins - FP location is San Jose.

PCee - thanks for doing such an excellent job in keeping the list up to date. From the looks of it CSC has picked up some momentum, so for those who are still awaiting their receipts - hang in there and it will arrive soon....
Got My FP Notice.(Scheduled For Dec15th)...Can I go Earlier????

Today I got My FP Notice.It is Scheduled For Dec15th.
Can I go Earlier than Dec15th???(I do not have any problem going on 15th , But I want to do it Sooner)
So Can Anyone Suggest , What are the Advantages/Disadvantages if I do an Early FP.

Hello Pcee/Ciba......Could You Please Update My Info onto October Thread.

   Mailing Date Oct4th
   Receipt Date Oct5th
   Notice Date Nov7th
   FP Scheduled Date : Dec15th(FP Notice Received on Nov26)
more info on receipt, MD 10/22, ND 11/18 WAC 02-043

Just check the AVM,

PCee/ciba, my location is in Sunnyvale, so San Jose would be the ASC
Received FP notice

Hi all - I received FP notices in the mail today. My FP location is Buena Park ASC. My FP appointment is scheduled for 12/18. My details are:

PD 12/27/00
RD 10/9/01
ND 11/8/01

Going on the Scheduled date or Going Earlier??

Hey There..........R u Going to do u r FP on the Scheduled date or Earlier??
Receipts Rcvd <----- MD: 10/20

Got the original rcpts for AOS,EAD,AP (for me and my wife )from my lawyer this morning.

PD: 3/13/01
MD: 10/20
RD: 10/22
ND: 11/19
FP: San Francisco
FP notice and mailing problem! please help. wac-02-035


I had some problems gettting my receipts mailed from my lawyer
and found out that the mailman had put an incorrect forwarding
on my address!!! luckily the guy who received it sent it back
to my lawyer and so I finally have them,
now I am concerned that even my FP notices could have been
in trouble and been sent back to the INS!! my rd is 10/9 nd
is 11/9 wac-02-035...I noticed that a couple of wac-02-33 already
got the FPs !!
what shoudl I do ?

1) wait for the end of this week to see if I get the notices ?
&nbsp;&nbsp;now the problem is corrected as far as the mailman is concered .

2) ask mylawyer to send a fax for a repeat fp notice ???

please help ..really concered here!!

tt tt