October mailers

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As always there\'s something very random about the issuance of receipt notice\'s. My lawyer mailed my papers on Oct\'1...got my receipt notice within a couple of weeks (hard copies) RD 10/2, ND 10/12 , WAC# 02-010-xxxxx


Although the JIT report says it\'s processing Oct 1 cases there\'s someone out there with receipt notices from papers mailed on the 19th....i wouldn\'t entirely trust the JIT report and lose heart. Hang tough guys...i\'m sure your papers are already in the mail.
Please Include My I-485 Info Into October Mailers.

Mailing Date Oct 5th 2001.
(No Receipt Date Yet).
Checks cleared at last.

Hello friends,
        My checks have been finally cleared on the 13th of Nov. My mailing date of I-485 was on the 5th of Oct and they received it on the 9th of OCt. Hope we could see the receipts soon.

checks cashed for mailiing date 10/5.

Finally the bank balance went down, checks for self and spouse\'s
485(220)/EAD(100)/AP(95)/FP(25) all cashed at the same time.

waiting for receipt, does it come to me or to the lawyer or both ?
Excellent to see that there is some momentum now

Generally the receipt notices are sent to the attorney and to the employer. You will have to get it from either of them.
Got My Receipt Notices(I-485,I-765,I-131).....Please Add my Info onto October Mailers.

Today I got My Receipt Notices.
Mailing Date Oct4th
Receipt Date Oct5th
Notice Date Nov7th
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It\'s really nice to see that.we all can expect us soon.and also you(Raghu) got them from ur lawyer.
Info about checks?

Guys a quick question/concern.
Do we have to send seperate check for 485, ead, fp , ap ? cause my lawyer ask for only one check payable to INS from me.
lawyer got receipts yesterday for MD of 10/5.

but asked me a question if I saw BOTH checks of $100 getting cashed.
now I am worried as to what is the matter ? I can see both the checks
being cashed from my bank account, most likely the INS has not sent
one of the receipt notices ? I will find out the cause later today,
also will post the WAC# s when I get them.
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Hi Inkoya,
Thanks for your reply..So is this a concern for me as my lawyer asked only one check payable to INS from me.Hope this does not delay my application process.
OK got receipts with one problem.

MD 10/5 . WAC-02-035.

different but close wac #s for self and spouse.
INS did not issue receipt for spouses EAD, but the check
got cashed, attorney said wait for some time ortherwise
get the photocopy of the check from the bank and the
wac # for the ead will be on the back.
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If Yu don\'t get the receipt for yr wife\'s ead,follow the advice from lawyer to get the number.some times postal delay may be the cause
Add mine too, joan_usus

Sent out Application on Oct 4th, INS received on Oct 5th. (via FeDex).
Didn\'t receive receipt yet.
How to add my info onto the Oct mailer list?
Got WAC numbers!!!

Hi there,
I finally got my WAC numbers!
Mail Date: 9 Oct 2001
Receipt Date: 19 Nov 2001
Receipt Number: WAC-02-036-XXXXX
Hope things will pick up pace from this point!