October mailers

SUMMARY as of 10/25/2001

Here is local link for summary as of 10/25/2001.

Do you know that you can click on person\'s handle to see his/her\'s recent posts? Note that other summary (first line) links won\'t work in this page.

- PCee
PCee Please add me too ( EB2/India/PD 11/00) 485/AP/EAD mailed on 10/1

Amazing work, PCee!

SUMMARY as of 10/29/2001

Here is local link for summary as of 10/29/2001.

By now you know that FPs are sent based on ASC one comes under. Recently except SFO and San Jose every one else was getting FPs (upto those who mailed in July). The good news is in the past week SFO started picking up (one who mailed in July got FP). Still no good news for people from San Jose area.

To make FP tracking more effective can you please post your Location information?

Stayin Aline...........

Guys Guys..anyone has any good news (RD\'s ND\'s ..).
Keeping the thread alive...Someone got a ND for MD 10/01..any details on that. No one else afterwards?
No Title

seems to be people who mailed in october haven\'t receive their receipts. sept. is a lucky month, they got their receipts within 1 or 2 weeks.
October Mailers unlucky!

Looks like October Mailers are not so lucky. INS still seems to be processing applications from 10/01/01. Has anyone who filed in October received receipt numbers?
No Title

If no one received their wac numbers from oct 2nd to as of today, when the adjudication starts they will jump from sep to nov. So we are still lucky!
Please clarify

Hi Nikhila,
I am not sure I understand .Could you please elaborate if you don\'t mind. I hope I am not the only one.
SUMMARY page moved to another free site....

I am having problems with freeweb site geocities. So I created a new web page on tripod. Hope this works out fine.

Here is the link.
http://pceegcee.tripod.com/ (has summary as of 11/01/2001)

Let me know if there are any problems.

CSC- 485 filed in sept\'00

Hi, a question- why not collect info about earlier filings too ? We filed for 485 in Sept\'2000. FP done in Feb\'01, still waiting for approval.
AOS appl. mailed on 10/1/2001. EB2/RIR Waiting for receipts

Hello PCee, Ciba,

Please add my info to your list.
PD: 3/6/2001
MD: 10/1/2001
Waiting for receipts...
No Title

sjk, i mean to say, if no one receive their receipts in october, then there will be no cases to process. when they finish approving cases for sept, then they will jump to our wac numbers.
anyway, PDs remain current for the next year too. that is a good news.
No Title

Let me try,

If CSC didn\'t send any receipts in OCT means there are no NDs in OCT, So when approvals (for AP, EAD, AOS) start there is no one inbetween September end and November first, so after approving September NDs they will directly jump to November NDs to approve. In other words ND is not that important compared to how many cases are there inbetween yours and what ever is being processes right now.

But it matters w.r.t. when one can send FAX enquiry because it is based on ND.
