October Approvals, Please Post here

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ND Oct2000 approvals should start in a week now....

ND Oct2000 guys, please check AVM for your application status...

All the best.
so what if they do...

They will approve a few lucky ones and the rest will wait...
who knows for how long - just like bunch of people from
March, April, May, June, July, Aug. are still waiting.
I hate to be a pessimist and a killjoy, but that\'s just
the way it is. No reason to get excited...
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The speed which VSC is going on, I think they may start Oct some time 1st week of Sep 01.
You all can see the approvals of Sep 00. Let\'s pray god to keep VSC in the same speed.
As H1B petitions has comedown heavily, they are concentrating on this(that\'s what my attorny says).

Lets wait folks.

ND 0ct 19th, FP Done Jan 16th.

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I would predict that we will see some 10/00 cases coming thru in 1st and 2 nd week of august!
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I am sorry I mean Aug 01 not Sep 01. The October approvals start coming in the first week of Aug 01.

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I hope you guys are right. I don\'t seem to see any pattern to the approvals. There are still cases from 1999 and early 2000 but i want to believe people are just not updating the tracker... let\'s pray they gather more speed.
ND OCT 2000 Waiting.....

Hello All,
EB2 - RIR, INDIA, PD 9/99, RD 9/00, ND 10/00, EAC-01-018-xxxxx. Waiting patiently.

Gurus, my AP is expiring in Nov. 2001 and EAD in Dec, 2001. How far in advance do you need to apply ?

Ramesh D
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Gurus? Are you kidding? If we are gurus, we should be somewhere else.

I will start EAD renewal four months ahead. Last year, I waited 3 1/2 months to get the EAD card. I had to fool my new employer for a few days. If I missed the boat last year, I would be in deep trouble this year. So start early and give yourself some peace of mind. I don\'t think we should count the GC process will be don\'t within a year.

Good luck to you all.
Superbabu Keep checking AVM

Keep Checking AVM in the nights and in the early mornings. Most probably in another weeks time you will have your approval.

Why do you think that\'s probable? ND 10/04, EAC-01-004-xxxxx

I\'d say that\'s rather unlikely...

ND 10/04, EAC-01-004-xxxxxx, EB1, Country: other, heard nothing yet and don\' expect anything for the next 2-3 month.
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Hey Karin,

Please keep checking AVM during OFF hours...I guess we should
see ND 10/2000 approvals in couple of weeks.

All the best.
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Hi John_doe_1:

When is your EAD is expiring? My EAC 01-014-xxxx. My ND=Oct 19th. And, EAD is valid till Dec 19\' 2001. My question to you is this, when should I renew my EAD???.


A.K. Islam