Oct 99 ND Club ? Anybody left ?

Looks like I am the only one left in the club with Oct 8 99 ND.

I have been hearing the \'0\' day message for three days now and nothing !!!

Lets get a count of all people in this situation.

- Naveen
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I am right here with you buddy.
Response to RFE received by VSC(AVM updated)
on April 25th. And still nothing.(Make u feel
little better?) Heard those\'case not found\',
\'0 days\' couple of time. It does not mean a damn
thing I guess. By the way I also have Oct 99 rd/nd
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Sir Count me in
PD Jan 99 / Nd Oct 99 / EB3 / FP Mar 01 Waiting for approval

Kannan Ramanathan
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Count me in.......
PD May 98 / Nd Oct 1/99 / EB3 / FP Mar 22/01 Waiting for approval..
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Called the f*@$ing IIOs so many times. Keep getting the standard reply to wait and wait while people in Jun 00 get approved \'officially\'.

I even sent an enquiry via the senator and still came back with the same answer - wait for 4-6 weeks.

This is getting more frustrating by the minute !

Pardon the expressions - I am just venting !!!
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Hang in there and try to keep urself busy with something else. Having been in ur position till recently I know how it feels.Being a 10/99 cse myself, I keep checking here to see if there are any more 10/99 cases approved :)
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I am also waiting to hear from these INS gods.

Nd: Oct 15, 1999
FP: March 1st, 2001
2 EADs

I don\'t know what\'s going on. I sent a letter to Senator Clinton\'s office last night. This would be my last option. Nothing else I can think of.
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PD 9/97 ND 10/19/1999 FP 3/09/01 no rfe yet!!
whats the deal with Oct 99 cases when INS seems to be in a rush to review cases as late as June 00!!
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One more here. ND 10/7/99. FP 3/21/01. REF issued 4/24/01 and received by VSC 5/23/01. Still waiting ...
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I am in the same boat

ID 04/97
ND 09/99
RE 10/01 (Company Name change)

Still waiting
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I am with you guys. no Rfe nothing yet. Talked to the Ignorant unIntelligable Officers atleast 8 times in the last two months. Gave up hope and sent an enquiry through my congressman and waiting for VSC to respond.

ND 10/4/99, PD 5/8/98, FP 3/2/01, EB2 India. 2 EAD\'s and 2 APs. My PD was current from the day i filed the I485, never retrogressed.

The last time i called i was told my case is on a shelf. Why? only the god knows. One IIO even suggested to me that my PD is not current and that\'s why it is on a shelf. Go figure?? When i told her that I am EB2 and my PD was always current from the day i filed 485, she was rude and told me that i was wrong. I have written all about my unpleasant conversations with IIO\'s to the congressman and also planning on writing to the incompetant VSC director.

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I am here too. PD Jan\' 98. ND Oct 25\'99. FP: 04/19/01.
2 weeks back an IIO told me to wait for 3-4 months. Don\'t
know what is going on. Isn\'t it misleading to people and even to Congress members that VSC\'s official processing date is: Apr\' 00, when truly it is not. Isn\'t it lying or rather fraud?

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With all this confusion with the Oct 99 cases, here\'s what I think:

1. VSC wants to process 07/00 cases to show that they are making \'progress\' when all of us in the club know they are NOT.

2. Maybe they put our cases in the on-hold category with all the AC21 cases, despite the fact that it does not belong there.

3. The \'0\' day message is nothing but plain BS - I have been hearing it for a week now.

Need some divine intervention (other than the lousy senators) to take care of our situation.

Inputs/comments. Feel free to vent.
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 I totally agree with you. Let\'s keep this thread and post all our updates.

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I had similar experience. My details are EB2, Oct 99 ND. IIO told that my visa availability is not current. However, I insisted that the Dept of State Bulletin says that my PD is current. To this she agreed but again repeated about visa availability as if it were a different thing.