Oct 99 cases

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My reply to RFE was received by INS on end of Feb,2001. No news yet...

RD/ND-Oct99, EB3/Other, FP-Sep,00, RFE recv&replied Feb01.
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RD/ND oct 99. FP done on March 10, 2001. Haven\'t heard anything from INS yet. called IIO today and they are saying it will take another 1 month to take case in hand.
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Called last week and was told the same thing. RD 10/7/99, FP 3/21/01, and heard nothing yet. The IIO said that cases would be assigned to adjudicator after FP clearance. Then how fast the case can be adjudicated depend on the individual officer. I guess that the officer who is going to look at my case is on vacation or something else.

Anybody has any comments on this speculation?