oct 2002 approval in rupnet

People are waiting here from Nov/Dec 2001, and they start approving Oct 2002 cases. It is so frustrating.:mad: :mad: :mad:
VSC has gone completely crazy. There are absolutely no rules for them. Any one might be approvesd at any time and any one might be sitting in waiting for more than 3 years. They are completely working in random style. The approval seem to be a genuine one (based on the data).
Is it correct???

Yes, I also saw that approval and really was shocked. How come a direct jump from june to july and from july to October????

What is going on at BCIS? Even the case is of EB3.
We know these details......

We already know this but the question is : how genuine it is?
is this really correct? If so, we should ask this person for more details. Why his case specially approved before current processing time.

Originally posted by RDoct02
User Shaikh Rahman with User Id : smr289 , RD- 10/07/2002 in you RD month group Updated his info with Approval Status
Please visit http://www.rupnet.com/immigration and click under his RD month and year to see the details

CoolDown and enjoy holidays. It maynot be not be correct case.First see their EAC number ,pirority date and entire data.
Some people are crazy and they may be playing games.

Enjoy ur time.

Good Luck.
Looks genuine.. BUT....

How come he got his EAD in Aug. 2003? By normal speed, should have got it by Dec 02 - to Feb 03.

Also see the country. What is BAN meant? Does 485 has to do with the country of origin and the quota?
I also noticed this and was surprised to look at a Oct'02 approval!

>>>>>[ I]Also see the country. What is BAN meant? Does 485 has to do with the country of origin and the quota?[/I]

BAN meaning Bangladesh ?????
BAN means Bangladesh .
He might have applied EAD only in 2003. Some people don't apply for EAD along with 485.

Don't get upset. BAN means he is from Bangladesh (Special Registration country).His case was transferred to local INS office and he got his green card stamped there. It was not approved at VSC, so no need to panic, I still believe that BCIS are going in order and our turn is approaching.

Take it easy guys.

I tried doing some searching on the online case status to see if I would find an approval for 10/07. I couldn't find the approved case but i think I found an FP2 for ND of 10/07. That's kind of wierd 'cause someone with an ND of OCt 2002 shud typically have FP's valid will Feb - March of 2004.

I might be wrong but check out this receipt no. on the online case status and let me know what u guys think.

Re: Fake!!

How do you know it is fake?

Check this number: EAC0321552408 (RD 07/22/2003 :confused: )

Anything could happen. Don't feel bad. Have a nice holiday!

Originally posted by GC_NC123
THIS Approval is fake!! relax people. have a nice holidays.
It's possible - with USCIS of course. Next week you may see they throw a couple of Nov/Dec 2002 and some 2003 approvals.

Does it mean much to the huge backlog? Exercise your judgment.